English Language Lessons

English Language Lessons
*Politically Incorrect Opinion Texts: https://drjamesmanos.blogspot.com/2022/03/politically-incorrect-opinion-texts-of.html *Τexts with Ηealth-related Τopics: https://mymedicaltexts.blogspot.com *Herbs & Supplements: https://herbsanddietarysupplementsdatabase.blogspot.com *Source for the image (free to use): Hypothetical flag quartering the British and American flags (January 11, 2009). Author: Lunar Dragoon. Source: Wikipedia Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:UK-US_flag.png

Friday, July 5, 2019

TIPS for English (25): Words(I) (o)

·   Cleave = (irregular verb) (Cleave – cleaved or clove (US English) or cleft – cleaved or cleft or clove or cloven (US English)To separate or divide, or cause something to separate or divide, often violently./((in medicine) ‘cleft lip’ or ‘cleft palate’)./// e.g., With one blow of the knight’s axe, he clove the rock in twain (=2 pieces)./// Cleave to something = (phrasal verb) a) To stick or hold firmly onto something e.g., The ancient ivy cleaved to the ruined castle walls. b) To continue to believe firmly in something e.g., People in the remote mountain villages still cleave to their old traditions (^^)

·      Atheist is pronounced ˈeɪθɪɪst
·      Youth is pronounced jθ
·     Narrative (pronounced ˈnarətɪv) = (noun) A story or a description of a series of events e.g., It’s a moving narrative of wartime adventure.// (adjectiveIn the form of or concerned with narration e.g., A narrative poem.
·      Narrator – pronounced nəˈreɪ.tə(r) (or ˈner..t̬ɚ in US English).
·     Embody (verb) Be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to an idea, quality, or feeling e.g., A team that embodies competitive spirit and skill.// e.g., He was embodied by a fictional character./// Include or contain something as a constituent part e.g., The changes in law embodied in the Freedom of Information Act./// Form people into a body, especially for military purposes.
·     We have to bear (pronounced bɛː) (or keep) in mind that Turkey is a country between the West and the EastThe progressives and the liberals in Turkey are not united.
·     Censor (vs) CensureCensor and censure, although quite different in meaning, are frequently confused. Both words can be verbs and nouns, but censure means to express severe disapproval of (e.g., The country was censured for human rights abusesor the expression of severe disapproval, while censor means to examine a book, film, etc. and suppress unacceptable parts of it’ (e.g., The letters she received were censoredor an official who censors books, films, etc.
·    Censor = (noun) An official who examines books, films, news, etc. that are about to be published and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable or a threat to security e.g., The report was approved by the military censors.// e.g., The movie has been given an adults-only rating by film censors.// e.g., We were sure that the film would pass the censors because the scenes were in line with the story./// (Psychoanalysis) An aspect of the superego which is said to prevent certain ideas and memories from emerging into consciousness e.g., The goal of Freudian dream interpretation is to undo the work of the censor./// (in ancient Rome) Either of two magistrates who held censuses and supervised public morals e.g., Though everyone knew Carthaginian figs were a successful transplant to Italy; Cato, the censor, grew them in his garden.
·    Censure (pronounced ˈsɛnʃə) = (verb with object) Express severe disapproval of someone or something, especially in a formal statement e.g., The company was heavily censured by inspectors from the Department of Trade.// e.g., Shareholders censured the bank for its extravagance./// (mass noun) The formal expression of severe disapproval e.g., Two MPs were singled out for censure.// (countable noun) e.g., Despite episcopal censures, the practice continue.
·   Censorship = (noun) The practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts e.g., Details of the visit were subject to military censorship.// e.g., ‘There is self-censorship in my book.’
·     Drop out = (phrasal verb) Not to do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have completely finished e.g., He dropped out of the race after 2 laps (^^).// e.g., The Iranian candidate dropped out.// Quit a class school etc. e.g., dropped out of Math (US English; ‘maths’ in UK English) because it was too difficult.’// e.g., He dropped out of education and wound up sleeping rough for a few months./// Reject conventional society to pursue an alternative lifestyle e.g., child of the sixties who had temporarily dropped out.// e.g., ‘I can't keep my kids away from the bad influences of junk food and junk toys without dropping out of society.’ /// (Rugby) Restart play with a drop kickSee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKDjYHkVloY and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12WfY4FGAzs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNpqYbAb9rA // e.g., It was, however, Keighley who finished the game on top, forcing play to the try line with a long drop out from the restart./// Score a drop goal e.g., A quick 22 drop out was followed by a quick tap penalty.
·   Drop goal a goal scored in open play by drop-kicking the ball over the crossbar, scoring three points (rugby union) or one point (rugby league). See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PADjfnhWM58   and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOPE-F3lK4A and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4Hh_G8QjT4  // e.g., He had earlier opened the scoring with a drop goal and proceeded to score a try of his own and kick five conversions and four penalties.
·      slap (or smack) on the cheek
·   Set in = (phrasal verb) (of something unpleasant or unwelcome) Begin and seem likely to continue e.g., Tables should be treated with a preservative before the bad weather sets in.// e.g., There must be a commitment to continuous improvement. Otherwise, complacency (=a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements) sets in.

·     Fling = (transitive verb usually + adverb or preposition) (Fling – flung – flung) To throw something/someone suddenly and with a great force.// e.g., He crumpled up the letter and flung it into the fire.// (informal) e.g., ‘Could you fling the paper over here (= give me the paper)// e.g., ‘And you can take your ring back too’, she cried flinging it down on the table./// (irregular verb) (transitive verb usually + adverb or preposition) To move and do something quickly and energetically e.g., She flung her arms around his neck.// e.g., He flung himself down on the sofa.// (informal) e.g., They were flung (= quickly put) in prison.///(irregular verb or transitive verb usually + adverb or preposition) Say angrily./// Fling something on/off = (phrasal verb) To quickly put on/ remove something, especially a piece of clothing e.g.We were so hot we flung off our clothes and dived into the swimming pool./// Fling something/somebody out = (phrasal verb) To get rid of something you don’t want, or to make someone leave a place when they don’t want to e.g., They were flung out of the pub for fighting.// e.g., I think it’s about time we flung out these old magazines./// A short period of enjoyment e.g., The students have a final/ a last fling before they leave university and start work./// Have a fling = (phrase) to have a short relationship with someone e.g.,  She’s been having a fling with her boss (^^).
·  Cling (pronounced klɪŋ) = (Cling – clung – clung) (irregular verb + adverb/preposition) To stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to stop holding it, him/her e.g., ‘We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.’/// One little girl was clinging onto a cuddly toy.// e.g., A few wisps of hay still clung to her skirt./// (irregular verb (usually) + adverb/preposition) To stay close or near e.g., The road clings to (= closely follows) the coastline for several miles, then it turns inland./// (irregular verb) Disapproving to stay close to someone who is taking care of you, because you need their support e.g., Susan is the kind of child who always clings whenever she is taken to a new place (^^).
·    Leap = (irregular verb) [leap –  leapt (UK) or leaped (US English) – leapt (UK English) or leaped (US English)] Jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. See  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SplitLeap.gif and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/NwFusionAngelaLeap.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Chenxin_Liu_-_Don_Quichotte%2C_Kitri_-_Prix_de_Lausanne_2010-7_edit.jpg  and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF-kqs4S1XM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK5S81GIOkY // e.g., ‘I leaped across the threshold.’/// (noun) A forceful jump or quick movement e.g., She came downstairs in a series of flying leaps.
·     Forsake (not ‘foresake’) = (transitive verb) (Foresake – forsook – forsakenTo leave someone forever, especially when they need you e.g., ‘Don’t forsake me now that I need you!’/// To stop doing or having something e.g., He decided to forsake politics for journalism (^^).
·     Mow (irregular or transitive verb) (Mow – mowed – mown or mowedTo cut plants, such as the grass or wheat, which have long, thin stems and grow close together e.g., ‘I love the smell of the new– mown hey.// e.g., You cannot mow the grass/lawn if it is wet./// Mow somebody down  = (phrasal verb) to kill people, usually in large numbers, by shooting them or driving a vehicle into them e.g., Four shoppers were mown down this afternoon when a drunken driver lost control of his car (^^). (mowing down/ ramming/ plowing (or ploughing in UK Englishpronounced plaʊ-ing))
·    Outshine = (transitive verb) (Outshine – outshone – outshoneTo be much more skillful and successful than someone e.g., Ben Palmer easily outshone his rivals in the 200-meter freestyle (^^).
·     Saw (as a verb) = (irregular or transitive verb) (Saw – sawed – sawn or sawed (US English)) To cut wood or other hard material using a saw e.g., They sawed the door in half.// e.g., He sawed through the pipe.///  (irregular verb + adverb or preposition) To move something backward and forward as if using a saw e.g., He was sawing away at his violin, making a terrible noise! /// Saw something down = (phrasal verb) to make something fall to the ground by cutting it with a saw (^^).

·     Smite (transitive verb) (Smite – smote – smittenTo hit someone forcefully or to have a sudden powerfuor damaging effect on someone (^^) e.g., He smites the water with his sword.// e.g., The entire café would also feel better if the skies parted, an angel descended and smote him with a terrible flaming sword.
·    String = (transitive verb) (String – strung – strungTo put a string through a number of objects e.g., ‘Would you help me string these beads?’/// To put new strings onto a racket used in sport e.g., ‘You ought to have your racket re-strung before the competition.’/// To put strings on a musical instrument e.g., ‘First you need to learn how to string and tune your guitar’ (^^).
·    Strive (irregular verb) (Strive – strove or strived – striven or strived) To try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties.// (+ (to) infinitive) e.g., Mr. Smith had kindled expectations that he must now strive to live up to.// e.g., In her writing, she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms (^^).
·         Uphold (transitive verb) (Uphold – upheld – upheld) To defend or keep a principle or law, or to say that a decision that has already been made, especially a legal one, is correct e.g., The judge upheld the county court’s decision.// e.g., As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law whether you agree with it or not (^^).
·     Foretell = (transitive verb) (Foretell – foretold – foretold) (Note: ‘foresay’ does not existTo say what is going to happen in the future.// (+ question word) e.g., He was a 16th-century prophet who foretold how the world would end (^^).
·     Prose = (noun) Written language in its ordinary form rather than poetry e.g., I have always preferred reading prose to poetry (^^).
·    Kindle (pronounced ˈkɪnd(ə)l) = (transitive verb) To cause a fire to start burning by lighting paper, wood, etc.// To cause strong feelings or ideas in someone e.g., His imagination was kindled by the exciting stories of her grandmother told her./// Kindling = (noun) small dry sticks or other materials used to start a fire  (^^).
·    Doodle (pronounced ˈdd(ə)|) = (intransitive verb) Scribble absent-mindedly (My comment: like a baby drawing lines on paper).// Synonym = write hurriedly.// e.g., ‘I picked my pen up and began to draw her, absent-mindedly doodling in the margins of the paper.’// e.g., He was only doodling in the margin.// See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Luise_Kritzelzeichnung.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Pushkin_doodle.jpg  and http://pad1.whstatic.com/images/thumb/2/23/Doodle-Step-10.jpg/aid149113-728px-Doodle-Step-10.jpg For doodle on paper See  https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/454507/160764917/stock-vector-doodle-on-paper-160764917.jpg and http://creativejewishmom.typepad.com/.a/6a011570601a80970b0133ecb53e94970b-pi  /// (noun) A rough drawing made absent-mindedly e.g., The text was interspersed with doodle.
·    Scribble = (verb with object) Write or draw something carelessly or hurriedly. See http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080726202757/uncyclopedia/images/2/23/Scribble.jpg For baby scribbling See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AorYzlqK2hE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6KO3bcqrGg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgbKYj8Suuw For scribbles on paper See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Luise_Kritzelzeichnung.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Pushkin_doodle.jpg  and https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/scribbles-on-paper-vector_23-2147501118.jpg and https://charlesonatelier.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/blog-april16-2.jpg // e.g., Scribbled notes.// e.g., He took the clipboard and scribbled something illegible (= impossible to read because of being very untidy or not clear).// e.g., The baby scribbled all over my new book (** for this example). /// (verb) (no object) Hastily he scribbled in the margin.// (informal) (no object) Write for a living or as a hobby e.g., They scribbled, potted, and painted./// (noun) A piece of writing or a picture produced carelessly or hurriedly e.g., Illegible scribbles./// (mass noune.g., The postman would never be able to decipher your scribble./// (verb) (with object) (often as noun) ''Scribbling'' = card (wool, cotton, etc.) coarsely e.g., Machinery used for scribbling and spinning.
·      Amount
·      Impossible
·    Decipher (pronounced dɪˈsʌɪfə) = (verb with object) Convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language; decode. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEbistsZySA   and http://images.digopaul.com/wp-content/uploads/related_images/2015/09/10/decipher_2.jpg // e.g., Authorized government agencies can decipher encrypted telecommunications./// Succeed in understanding, interpreting, or identifying something./// (with clause) e.g., Visual signals help us decipher what is being communicated.
·    Intricate = (adjective) A very detailed or complicatedSynonym = complex.// e.g., An intricate network of canals.// e.g., ‘I seem to remember my dreams in unusually intricate detail and twice as often as most people.’
·   Landfill (mass noun) The disposal of waste material by burying it, especially as a method of filling in and reclaiming excavated pits. See       https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Wysypisko.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Landfill_Hawaii.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Landfill.jpg  and http://www.globalgreengroup.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/landfill-A.jpg .// (as modifier) e.g., Landfill sites./// Waste material used in landfill sites e.g., Our reusable packaging eliminates tons of landfill./// (countable noun) An area filled in by landfill e.g., Landfills will take up valuable space./// (verb) (with object) Bury in a landfill e.g., Many tons of edible food is landfilled./// (as an adjective) e.g., Landfilled waste.
·   Dissuade (verb) (with object)         Persuade somebody not to take a particular course of action e.g., Her friends tried to dissuade her from flying.// e.g., We wanted to keep her close to us, so we dissuaded her from taking up that course.
·     Outmoded = (adjective) Old – fashioned e.g., ''Isn't it time to declare all such vessels outmoded, obsolete and a danger to peace?''
·   Malady = (noun) (literary) A disease or ailment e.g., He suffered from aincurable malady./// A serious problem e.g., The nation's maladies.
·      Ailment = (noun) An illness, typically a minor one e.g., Along the way, minor ailments were treated, and hypochondria dispelled, with adept matter-of-fact.// e.g., The doctor diagnosed a common stomach ailment.
·    Infirmity (pronounced ɪnˈfəːməti) = (mass noun) Physical or mental illness e.g., Old age and infirmity come to men and women alike./// (countable noun) e.g., The infirmities of old age.
·    Infirmary (pronounced ɪnˈfɜːməri) = (noun) A place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill; a hospital e.g., The prison (not prison's) infirmary.// e.g., Perth Royal infirmary./// See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/AIIMS_central_lawn.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/KlinikumAachen.jpg and http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/camp-java-role-play/images/a/a6/Camp_Java's_Main_House's_Infirmary.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130118100828   and  http://www.nhstaysidecdn.scot.nhs.uk/NHSTaysideWeb/groups/corporate/documents/documents/prod_210687.jpg   /// (noun) (US English) A room in a school, college, or university where students who are injured or feeling ill can go to a nurse for treatment. For school infirmary See http://www.premier.edu.np/files/Facilities/SAM_3065.jpg and  http://thearyanschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/infarmary11.jpg (*)
·   Male nurse = murse (in US slang)) (you can also call them 'nurse' or with their name)
·      Female nurse = sister (‘sister’ is also a name for a nun)
·   Orderly (hospital orderly) an attendant in a hospital responsible for the non-medical care of patients and the maintenance of order and cleanliness. See http://schools.look4.net.nz/careers/careers_descriptions/files/Hospital_Orderly.jpg
·     Affliction (vs) Infliction
·   Affliction = (noun) A cause of pain or harm e.g., A crippling affliction of the nervous system.// e.g., The afflictions of a person who has terminal cancer were poignantly portrayed in the film, which also dwelt on the strengths of holistic medicine./// (mass noun) The state of being in pain e.g., Poor people in great affliction./// (Astrology) An instance of one celestial body afflicting another.
·  Infliction = (mass noun) The action of inflicting something unpleasant or painful on someone or something e.g., Physical abuse is the willful infliction of physical pain or injury, e.g., slapping, bruising, sexually molesting, or restraining.// e.g., The repeated infliction of pain.// e.g., It specifies that torture includes only intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental.
·   Moribund (pronounced ˈmɒrɪbʌnd) = (adjective)(of a person) at the point of death. See https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg_4cprcl4l_CRsiPt_oklpxNK2qp75M2-tAn0nlMyHWO6SSiVAsaw3Jy63rv_fpkIoIJc0LrWOwlBXRAZ87y55Hv7BYvMHXWWo-OE2owp7IKitsJjjgMOiij-9VLONAEXnwA3R0YUYipY/s1600/382531_673257986022498_1225944746_n.jpg  and http://partnersah.vet.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/asset_previews/Moribund_ab.jpg  // e.g., Ideally, patients will be enrolled before they are moribund and on ‘death's door’.// e.g., On (physical) examination she was moribund and dehydrated.
·   Alike = (adjective) (predicative) (of two or more people or things) Similar to each other e.g., The brothers were very much alike.// e.g., The houses all looked alike./// (adverb) In the same or a similar way e.g., They dressed alike in black trousers and jackets./// Used to show that something applies equally to a number of specified subjects e.g., He talked in a friendly manner to staff and patients alike.
·  Adept (pronounced a) Adjective əˈdɛpt (or ˈadɛpt). = b) Noun = ˈadɛpt) = (adjective) (pronounced əˈdɛpt (or ˈadɛpt) = skilful (skillfuin US English) or proficient at something e.g., He is adept at cutting through red tape.// e.g., An adept negotiator./// (noun) (pronounced ˈadɛpt) A person who is skilled or proficient at something e.g., He is an adept at imitation.
·      Apt to capable of
·      Be apt to I am inclined to
·      Opt for choose from a range of
·    Coming (as an adjective) = (adjective) Due to happen or just beginning e.g., Work is due to start in the coming year.// e.g., The second coming of Jesus.///  (attributive) Likely to be important or successful in the future e.g., He was the coming man of French racing.// e.g., But the coming man of national Democratic politics, says the Observer (newspaper), is the little-known boss of The Bronx./// An arrival or approach e.g., The coming of a new age.
·    Advent = (noun) The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event e.g., The advent of television.// e.g., The advent of the Third World War and its consequences are discussed in this book.// (Christian Theology) The coming or second coming of Christ.
·    Upturn = (noun) An improvement or upward trend, especially in economic conditions or someone's fortunes e.g., An upturn in the US economy.// (verb) Turn something upward or upside down e.g., A sea of upturned faces.
·    Juncture = (noun) A particular point in events or time e.g., ‘It is difficult to say at this juncture whether this upturn can be sustained.’// A place where things join e.g., The plane crashed at the juncture of two mountains.
·     Arid (pronounced ˈær.ɪd= (adjective) (of land or a climate) Having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Drought.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Fields_outside_benambra.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Drought_affected_area_in_Karnataka%2C_India%2C_2012.jpg  and  http://www.oddizzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/img-weather-canyon-saudiarabia.jpg and https://www.memrise.com/s3_proxy/?f=uploads/mems/1159478000140407193230.jpeg For arid regions of the  Western US in 1893 (map) See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/1893_Arid_regions_of_the_western_united_states.jpg   /// e.g., Hot and arid conditions.///  Lacking in interest, excitement, or meaning e.g., Her arid years in suburbia.
·     Suburbia = (noun) the outer parts of a town, where are houses, but not large shops, places to work, or places for entertainment e.g., They live in a 2-bedroomed house in the heart of suburbia./// The way of life of people who live in the outer parts of the town e.g., He has written a book about middle-class suburbia (^^).
·   Superintend (pronounced suːp(ə)rɪnˈtɛnd) = (verb with object) Be responsible for the management or arrangement of an activity or organizationoversee e.g., he superintended a land reclamation scheme.// e.g., It has superintended two general elections, two municipal elections, and numerous by-election.
·  Reclamation (pronounced rɛkləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n) = (mass noun) The process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right e.g., The reclamation of our shared history.// e.g., These memories are a conscious act of reclamation.// (countable noun) e.g., ‘I understand her work as a reclamation of a lost Italian cultural legacy.’/// The cultivation of wasteland or land formerly under water e.g., The aggressive reclamation of woodlands for agricultural production.// (as modifier) e.g., A land reclamation project.
·    Entry = (noun) An act of going or coming in e.g., The door was locked, but he forced an entry./// A place of entrance, such as a door or lobby e.g., The entry to a block of flats./// (dialect) A passage between buildings./// (mass noun) The right, means, or opportunity to enter a place or be a member of something e.g., People seeking entry to Australia./// (mass noun) The action of entering something e.g., More young people are postponing their entry into full-time work./// (Music) The point at which a particular performer in an ensemble starts or resumes playing or singingSee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiNFMacUi1U  e.g., A fluffed entry./// (Bridge) A card providing an opportunity to transfer the lead to a particular hand e.g., The diamonds are still not established, so South must gamble on finding an extra entry to the dummy./// (Law) (mass noun) The action of taking up the legal right to property./// An item written or printed in a diary, list, account book, or reference book e.g., The entries in the cash book./// (mass noun) The action of recording an item in a diary, list, etce.g., Sophisticated features to help ensure accurate data entry./// A person or thing competing in a race or competition e.g., From the hundreds of entries we received, twelve winners were finally chosen./// (in singular) The number of competitors in a particular race or competition e.g., Another large international entry is anticipated for this year's event./// (mass noun) The action of participating in a race or competitionSee https://d1pbog36rugm0t.cloudfront.net/-/media/greengold/varsity/varsity-rugby-web-1.jpg?w=1200 and http://www.cyclingireland.ie/galleryimages/999358(2)-cropbanner.jpg // e.g., Entry is open to people of all ages./// (as modifier) e.g., The entry fee is only £6 per team./// The forward part of a ship's hull below the waterline, considered in terms of breadth or narrowness. See http://www.building-model-boats.com/images/xmodel-boat-hull-fine-entry-example.jpg.pagespeed.ic.48N4tBvr-7.jpg
·    Ensemble (pronounced ɒnˈsɒmb(ə)l) = (noun) A group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together.  For modern music ensemble See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Rhcp-live-pinkpop05.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Iron_Maiden_perfoming.jpg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpDSs8fZSYA and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZq6QHbNI4s For a classical music ensemble See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/Concert_Band.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Orquesta_Filarmonica_de_Jalisco.jpg  For a jazz ensemble See    https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Jazzing_orchestra_1921.png and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/CountBasieEthelWatersStageDoorCanteen.jpg   // e.g., A Serbian folk ensemble./// A piece of music or passage written for performance by a whole cast, choir, or group of instruments. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Kgpjz8exQ  // e.g., Cherubini's numbers, with solos and ensembles intermingled, have freedom and originality./// (mass noun) The coordination between performers executing an ensemble passage e.g., A high level of tuning and ensemble is guaranteed./// A group of items viewed as a whole rather than individually e.g., The buildings in the square present a charming provincial ensemble./// (usually in singular) A set of clothes chosen to harmonize when worn together e.g., Her elegant pink and black ensemble put most outfits in the shade./// (Physics) A group of similar systems, or different states of the same system, often considered statistically e.g., We would have to adopt a picture in which there is an ensemble of all possible universes with some probability distribution.
·  Fluff = (noun) Soft fibers from fabrics such as wool or cotton that accumulate in small light clumps. Synonyms = fuzz, lint. See http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8042/8047080984_d2b7e0dfe5_z.jpg and http://recycphp.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/recycphp-mat02-fibres-cellulosiques-cellulose-fibers.jpg // e.g., He brushed his sleeve to remove the fluff./// Entertainment or writing perceived as trivial or superficial e.g., The movie is a piece of typical Hollywood fluff./// A mistake made in speaking or playing music, or by an actor in delivering lines e.g., Not assisting the actors is the unwieldy dialogue, which caused an unusual amount of line fluffs on opening night./// (verb) Make something appear fuller and softer, typically by shaking or brushing it e.g., ‘I fluffed up the pillows.’/// (especially in a sporting or acting context) Fail to perform or accomplish something successfully, or well e.g., The extra fluffed his only line.
·  Fluffy (adjective) Of, like, or covered with fluff. For a fluffy dog See http://www.dogbreedslist.info/uploads/allimg/dog-pictures/Pomeranian-1.jpg and for a fluffy cat See http://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/fluffy-cats-funny-animal-pics-12__605.jpg      // e.g., Fluffy white clouds.// e.g., A fluffy kitten.// (of food) Light in texture and containing air. See http://img.sndimg.com/food/image/upload/w_555,h_416,c_fit,fl_progressive,q_95/v1/img/recipes/20/20/71/picdtITgC.jpg and http://www.abochenski.com/ls3/slides/week2/img/fluffy.jpg // e.g., Cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy./// (informal) Frivolous or silly; lacking depth or seriousness e.g., A fluffy blonde in leopard-skin pedal-pushers./// (noun) (also known as a furry leg warmer or furry boot cover) (footwear) a form of footwear fashion accessory (***** for this definition). See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/Bright_raver_%288598665951%29.jpg
· Fuzz = (noun) A fluffy or frizzy mass of hair or fiber. See http://www.peachfuzzfiberart.com/images/bowls04.jpg  // For fuzzed up (‘nappy’) hair of a black woman See https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/54/54/b1545482b0dcc8a1f1a29b855195601a.jpg // e.g., A fuzz of black hair./// The police e.g., It wound up being right across from a police station, and after a little, while the fuzz came out and told us to move./// (verb) Make or become blurred or indistinct e.g., Snow fuzzes the outlines of the signs.// (of hair) become fluffy or frizzy e.g., Her hair fuzzed out uncontrollably in the heat.
·    Fuzzy logic = (scientific theory)(logic) a form of many-valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any real number between 0 and 1. It is employed to handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false. By contrast, in Boolean logicthe truth values of variables may only be the integer values 0 or 1. Fuzzy logic and probability address different forms of uncertainty. While both fuzzy logic and probability theory can represent degrees of certain kinds of subjective belief, fuzzy logic uses the concept of fuzzy set membership, i.e., how much an observation is within a vaguely defined set, and probability theory uses the concept of subjective probability (likelihood of some event or condition) (*****).
·   Fractal = (mathematics) an abstract object used to describe and simulate naturally occurring objects. Artificially created fractals commonly exhibit similar patterns at increasingly small scales, also known as expanding (or evolving) symmetry. If the replication is exactly the same at every scale, it is called a self-similar pattern. An example the Menger sponge. Fractals can also be nearly the same at different levels. Fractals also include the idea of a detailed pattern that repeats itself (*****). See fractal magnified: a) (1) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Mandelbrot-similar-x1.jpg   b) (x6) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ed/Mandelbrot-similar-x6.jpg   c) (x100) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Mandelbrot-similar-x100.jpg  d) (x2,000) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Mandelbrot-similar-x2000.jpg See also https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Sierpinski_carpet_6.svg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/60_degrees_2x_recursive_IFS.jpg
·   Lint = (noun) Short, fine fibers that separate from the surface of cloth or yarn, especially during processing. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Dryer_lint_screen.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Pocket_lint.JPG and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Dryer_Lint_Close.jpg and  http://morgellonswatch.com/images/dryer-lint-fuzzball-60x.jpg and http://www.3dham.com/microgallery/dlint1.jpg For navel lint (accumulated lint in our navel!) See  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Healthy_navel_lint.jpg  // e.g., But whereas they were once crisp, motes of dust and household lint had now settled leaving the surface grimy.
·      Mote = (noun) A tiny piece of a substance e.g., The tiniest mote of dust.
·  Unwieldy (pronounced ʌnˈwl.di) = (adjective) Difficult to carry or move because of its size, shape, or weight. Synonym cumbersome.// e.g.The first mechanical clocks were large and unwieldy.// e.g., A piano is a very unwieldy item to get down a flight of stairs (^^).
·      a priori (Latin) beforehand
·   Delineate (verb) describe or portray something precisely e.g., The law should delineate and prohibit behavior that is socially adherent.// e.g., The Hindu religious texts describe varna ashrama dharma, the religious/social law delineating duties of four castes./// Indicate the exact position of a border or boundary e.g., His finger found a precisely outlined section delineated in red marker.// e.g., The southern boundary's exact location is not clearly delineated.
·   Dubious (pronounced ˈbs) = (adjective) Thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted. Synonym = doubtful.// e.g.These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven./// e.g., He has been associated with some dubious characters./// e.g., Ruth Ellis has the dubious (= bad) distinction of being the last woman to be hanged in Britain./// Feeling doubt or not feeling certain e.g., ‘I am dubious about his promises to change his ways’ (*).
·   Wording (pronounced ˈwɜː.dɪŋ) (noun) The choice and meaning of the words used when you say or write something e.g., Norman agreed that the wording of the advertisement was unnecessarily offensive, and it was changed./// e.g., We don't know the exact/ precise wording of the agreement (*).
·   Absurd (pronounced əbˈsəːd) = (adjectiveWildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate e.g., The allegations are patently absurd.// Arousing amusement or derision; ridiculous e.g., It may look absurd, but having a treadmill desk could improve your attention span.// e.g., It’s an absurd situation – neither of them will talk to the other.// e.g., ‘Don’t be so absurd! Of course we want you to come.’/// (noun) The absurd = an absurd state of affairs e.g., The incidents that followed bordered on the absurd.
·    Denounce (verb with object) publicly declare something to be wrong or evil e.g., The Assembly denounced the use of violence.// e.g., He was widely denounced as a traitor.// e.g., He is brought to jail; she publicly denounces him; and the court sentences him to 8 months in prison.// e.g., The government called on the group to denounce the use of violence.// e.g., The film was denounced for the way it portrayed its female characters.// e.g., They denounced him as a bigot.// e.g., ‘Others might cry or get bent out of shape when their personal tastes are denounced and ridiculed, but not him…’ (David Sedaris) (*** for the previous 4 examples)./// Inform against e.g., The high priest denounced him to the King for heresy.// e.g., Survivors were denounced as traitors and suffered severe discrimination.// e.g., He was denounced as a traitor, that is, by criminals.// e.g., He was denounced to the authorities (*** for the previous  example)./// (obsolete) To announce the termination of (as a treaty) formally e.g., He denounced the arrangement with their former ally (*** this meaning).
·     Repercussions = aftereffect = aftermath = consequence = ramifications
·     Aftereffect (1 word) = (plural noun) unpleasant effects that follow an event or accident, sometimes continuing for a long time or happening sometime after it (^^).e.g., He was suffering the aftereffects of the drug.
·      Repercussions = (noun) An unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one e.g., The move would have grave repercussions for the entire region.// e.g., That affected not only the racial mix of the country but went on to have wider repercussions on the culture of the country.// e.g., These are huge differences that would inevitably have dramatic repercussions on the overall cost of credit.
·   Aftermath = (noun) The consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event e.g., Food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought.// e.g., He was devastated and traumatized in the aftermath of the landslide.// e.g., Historicallychange has happened only in the aftermath of a major crisis./// (farming) New grass growing after mowing or harvest e.g., Proper use of slurry and fertilizer are essential to the recovery of silage aftermaths right now.
·   Ramification (usually plural = ramifications) = (nouna complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event; consequence e.g., Any change is bound to have legal ramifications.// e.g., ‘We leave the discerning readers to judge by themselves, the real ramifications of the issue.’/// A subdivision of a complex structure or process e.g., An extended family with its ramifications of neighboring in-laws.// (technical)(formal) (mass noun) The action of ramifying or the state of being ramified. For plant ramification See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Araucaria_heterophylla_01.jpg For vessel ramification See (coronary (heart) arteries) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/Coronary_arteries.png and (capilary thoroughfare channel) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Blood_vessels_%28retouched%29_-en.svg and https://www.sciencedaily.com/images/2010/05/100520102913_1_900x600.jpg    For ramified genealogical tree (family tree) (network) See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Ahnenblatt_FamilyTree.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8e/Family_tree.svg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Waldburg_Ahnentafel.jpg  and http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/lyakhovichi/images/treeAzrielbShayaGavzad1818.gif     // e.g., A coronary angiogram showed ramification of the right coronary artery close to the ostium (‘coronary’ refers to the (vessels of the) heart).
·     Ramify = (verb, no object) (informal) (technical) Form branches or offshoots; branch out. For ramifying vessel See (coronary (heart) arteries) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/Coronary_arteries.png and (capilary thoroughfare channel) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Blood_vessels_%28retouched%29_-en.svg and https://www.sciencedaily.com/images/2010/05/100520102913_1_900x600.jpg   and https://i0.wp.com/oncohemakey.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/image00587.jpeg?fit=308%2C347&ssl=1  For plant ramification See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Araucaria_heterophylla_01.jpg // e.g., An elaborate system of canals was built, ramifying throughout the UK./// (often as an adjective ramified= (verb) (with object) Cause to branch out. For ramified genealogical tree (family tree) (network) See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Ahnenblatt_FamilyTree.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8e/Family_tree.svg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Waldburg_Ahnentafel.jpg  and http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/lyakhovichi/images/treeAzrielbShayaGavzad1818.gif    //  e.g., A ramified genealogical network.// e.g., Some sources say that the ties linking the two families were deep and ramified.
· Offshoot = (nounA side shoot or branch on a plant. See  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Zilverschoon_plant_Potentilla_anserina.jpg and http://www.flowershopnetwork.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/elephant-foot-plant.jpg   // e.g., Pistia stratiotes L. is a free-floating aquatic angiosperm that can reproduce rapidly by vegetative offshoots from stolons./// A thing that develops from something else e.g.,  Commercial offshoots of universities.// e.g., The encouragement of smuggling was also an offshoot of this co-operation.
·    Stolon (pronounced ˈstəʊlɒn) = (Botany) A creeping horizontal plant stem or runner that takes root at points along its length to form new plants. See   https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Zilverschoon_plant_Potentilla_anserina.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/Fragaria_hybrid_Lipstick.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Spider_plant_stolon2.jpg/300px-Spider_plant_stolon2.jpg and  https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8de97213d2b987d3b0909b0a254d71d2 and https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-219835601208236351a8dc259f3731a0-c   // An arching stem of a plant that roots at the tip to form a new plant, as in the bramble (blackberry)./// (Zoology) The branched stemlike structure of some colonial hydroid coelenterates, attaching the colony to the substrate.///  Some worm-like species such as certain Polychaeta (bristle worms) in the genus Myrianida, form stolons containing eggs or sperm that they trail behind the main body (***** for this). See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/Recherches_sur_les_syllidiens_%28Plate_I%29_BHL46684392.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Polypodium_hydriforme_A.jpg
·  Potbelly (or pot= (noun) a large, protruding, round stomach. Synonym = paunch; beer belly. For a potbelly See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Obesity6.JPG and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/AbdominalFat.png and http://amensupernews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/pot-belly.jpg and http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/11/590x/pot-belly-413966.jpg For a pot-bellied pig (that lives in Vietnam) See  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/Lon_i_Sa_Pa%2C_cropped.jpg   // e.g., A man with a pot belly and a balding head walked into the room.
·  Paunch (pronounced pɔːn(t)ʃ) (noun) a large or protruding belly. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Obesity6.JPG and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/AbdominalFat.png and https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/3294842/311280149/stock-photo-fat-man-has-a-big-paunch-fat-man-with-a-big-belly-no-311280149.jpg For the paunch of a pregnant woman See https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/pregnant-woman-hugs-her-belly-front-naked-paunch-eight-month-52179436.jpg // e.g., His body was powerful and square, with the beginnings of a paunch./// Disembowel an animal. See http://www.casqueriasgonzalo.com/casqueria/co-callos.jpg  // e.g., One of the things I had to do was to paunch and skin a hare.
·     Chubby = (adjective) (especially of children) fat, in a pleasant and attractive way. For chubby kids See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuJoZqba1nk and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr6YeDM5HPE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-acJXVymhVo  // e.g., Chubby legs/ cheeks (^^).
·  Freeway (US English) = highway = motorway (UK English) = speedwaycontrolled-access highway is a type of highway which has been designed for high-speed vehicular traffic, with all traffic flow and ingress/egress regulated. Common English terms are freeway (in Australia, South Africa and parts of the US and Canada), motorway (in the UK, Ireland, New Zealand and parts of Australia), expressway (in some parts of Canada, parts of the United States, and many Asian countries), and autoroute (in Québec, Canada) (*****). see https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/Autoroute_A10_Orl%C3%A9ans_Ouest.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/Highway_401.png and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Looking_south_bound_down_the_Tullamarine_Freeway_at_Airport_West.jpg 
·     Movie theater (US English) (or the 'movies'; a movie is also known as a 'flickcinema in UK English)
·      Lift (UK English) = Elevator (US English)
·      Queue (UK English) = Line (US English)
·      Pavement (UK English) = Sidewalk (US English)
·  Braid (pronounced breɪd(mass noun) Threads of silk, cotton, or other material woven into a decorative band for edging or trimming garments. See https://loopbraider.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/345recsdscn6196.jpg and https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/21/81/a3/2181a3ec2927424ba20a7f5eb5977037.jpg   For strand braid See http://www.animatedknots.com/imagesprelim/three_strand_braid_one.jpg //e.g., A coat trimmed with gold braid./// A length of hair made up of three or more interlaced strands.// For braid hairstyle see https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Nuba_woman2.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/T%C3%A9wodros_II_-_2.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cb/Classic_French_Braid_%282%29.JPG and https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hDGz7pgT22E/maxresdefault.jpg  and https://hips.hearstapps.com/cos.h-cdn.co/assets/14/43/1600x800/nrm_1414168908-0y3a5931.jpg?resize=480:* and http://hairromance-3df0.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Hair-Romance-side-Dutch-braid-hairstyle.jpg  // e.g., Her hair curled neatly in blonde braids./// A length made up of three or more interlaced strands of any flexible material. For a braid of 3 strings See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Braid_StepBystep.jpg // e.g., A flexible copper braid./// (verb with object) Interlace three or more strands of (hair or other flexible material) to form a length e.g., Their long hair was tightly braided./// (often as adjective braided= edge or trim a garment with braid e.g., Braided gray trousers.// For braided trousers See http://media.laredoute.com/products/1200by1200/32/45/07/324507107_1_CO_1_2991623.jpg and https://cdnc.lystit.com/photos/511e-2014/03/30/wood-wood-brown-martha-trousers-with-braided-trim-mini-dresses-product-1-18793642-3-014365798-normal.jpeg   // (usually as adjective braided) = (of a river or stream) = flow into shallow, interconnected channels divided by deposited earth or alluvium. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2b/Braided_Stream_FairbanksTananaRiver.jpg and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBoeI3ZX7us and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtRGOxIgjO8  and  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjWYBAGG53k40dqsK1xlfWJBEcvbXRxacKvkY_mtk5mTSHg7VqfH4ENhOdCopJZBLz0WeHC3F2n0HjAeml54Gw56rSOAnEoMGiZoDYYcuZr-q57g5MPKZf69i-acshWP7p1UOaa7Uc6nh6J/?imgmax=800 and  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/68/White_River_5965.JPG/220px-White_River_5965.JPG // e.g., A braided river carries an enormous burden of sand and gravel.
·   Tenure = (noun) The conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied e.g., Insecure land tenure is a common problem faced by African pastoralists and by indigenous peoples more globally./// The holding of an office e.g., The tenure of the new president of the US./// A period for which an office is held e.g., Reaching five times the median tenure in office may be the result of unusual circumstances more than gifted leadership./// Guaranteed permanent employment, especially as a teacher or lecturer, after a probationary period (security of tenure) e.g., Tenure for university staff has been abolished.
·     Ersatz (pronounced ˈɛːsats // ˈəːsats) = (adjective) (of a product) Made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else. Synonym = artificial.// e.g., Ersatz coffee./// Not real or genuine e.g., Ersatz emotion.
·     Genuine (pronounced ˈdʒɛnjʊɪn) = (adjective) Truly what something is said to be; authentic e.g., Genuine 24-carat gold./// (of a person, emotion, or action) Sincere e.g., A genuine attempt to put things right.// e.g., There was genuine affection in his voice.
·      Annul (vs) Null
·   Annul (pronounced əˈnʌl) = (verb) (with object) Declare invalid an official agreement or result or decision e.g., The elections were annulled by the general amid renewed protests.// e.g., The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority has annulled the results of children at Grove Street Primary School in Barnsley./// Declare a marriage to have had no legal existence e.g., Her first marriage was finally annulled by His Holiness.
·    Null (adjective) (predicative) Having no legal or binding force; invalid e.g., The establishment of a new interim government was declared null and void.// e.g., Any agreement entered into on the basis that the couple was married (such as a separation agreement) would be null and void./// Having or associated with the value zero, e.g., The unbroken vertical line is at the null value./// (Mathematics) (of a set or matrix) having no elements, or only zeros as elements./// Lacking distinctive qualities; having no positive substance or content e.g., Her curiously null life.
·   Matrix (pronounced ˈmeɪtrɪks – not matrɪks) (plural = matrixes or matrices) = (noun) an environment or structure in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure e.g., Free choices become the matrix of human life./// The cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops e.g., Oxbridge was the matrix of the ideology./// A mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded. See   https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/FeldsparsGranite.JPG    //  e.g., Nodules of secondary limestone set in a matrix of porous dolomite./// (mass noun) e.g., Such fossils will often be partly concealed by a matrix./// (Biology) The substance between cells or in which structures are embedded e.g., The lipid matrix of olfactory (= of or relating to the sense of smellcells./// A fine material used to bind together the coarser particles of a composite substance e.g., The matrix of gravel paths./// An organizational structure in which two or more lines of command, responsibility, or communication may run through the same individual.// (as modifier) e.g., Matrix structures are said to foster greater flexibility./// A mold in which something, such as printing type or a phonograph record, is cast or shaped e.g., The matrix is inserted at its base, the mold is adjusted to the desired width, molten lead is poured in to form a column, and the character is cast in the matrix at the bottom./// A rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules e.g., Equivalently, physicists can represent a given quantum system by a matrix - a square array of whole numbers.
·    Wipeout = annihilate = kill stamp out decimate (the last was implemented by Caesar Augustus to punish the soldiers who were coward during the battle).
·    Communal = (adjective) Shared by all members of a community; for common use e.g., communal ferry; communal bathroom and kitchen./// A conflict between different communities, especially those having different religions or ethnic origins e.g., Violent communal riot.
·    Expenditure = (noun) The action of spending funds e.g., The expenditure of taxpayers' money.// e.g., It’s part of a drive to cut government (not ‘government’s) expenditure.// e.g., The government’s annual expenditure on arms has been reduced (^^^ for the previous 2 examples)./// The act of using or spending energy, time, or money e.g., The expenditure of effort on this project has been enormous (^^ for the last meaning). 
· Windowpane = (noun) A pane of glass in a window. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Window_with_recent_and_old_panes.jpg and  http://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/13480594?wid=450&hei=450&fmt=pjpeg and http://www.experthow.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/window-pane-replacement.jpg // e.g.,  Flat, thin leaves of horn were translucent and used for windowpanes in place of glass./// A large flatfish with numerous dark spots, found in the western Atlantic. See http://www.edc.uri.edu/restoration/html/gallery/images/fish/windowfl.jpg  /// Paned window a window that is divided into sections known as panes. Originally, the meaning pertained to sectioned glass windows in walls (***** for this). See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Window_with_recent_and_old_panes.jpg
·      Employer – Employee
·      Discern = notice  

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