English Language Lessons

English Language Lessons
*Politically Incorrect Opinion Texts: https://drjamesmanos.blogspot.com/2022/03/politically-incorrect-opinion-texts-of.html *Τexts with Ηealth-related Τopics: https://mymedicaltexts.blogspot.com *Herbs & Supplements: https://herbsanddietarysupplementsdatabase.blogspot.com *Source for the image (free to use): Hypothetical flag quartering the British and American flags (January 11, 2009). Author: Lunar Dragoon. Source: Wikipedia Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:UK-US_flag.png

Friday, July 5, 2019

TIPS for English (8): Essay (c)

Suggested linking words and phrases for the essay


Using and memorizing these words and phrases is immensely helpful as you can use this ‘pre-prepared meal’ immediately when writing your essay and earn time as you know them in advance!


(Regarding pronunciation, I underline and have bold the letter that needs to be stressed)


           Linking words for the Introduction:


Nowadays(the trite introduction that most will use!)

In this day and age/ In our day and age

The question of whether or not we should … is a controversial one. 

In this essay, I will explain why I think it is a reasonable idea… I will also be giving my views on why…. (My comment: I do not like so personal types of introductions; however, I think it is OK for the exams)

It is widely recognized that…

It is generally believed that...

Nowadays, huge advantages have been made in...

Nowadays, we are all becoming aware of it

...has recently become a matter of debate between...and…

Recently there has been a great deal of controversy (pronounced ˈkɒn.trə.vɜː.si or kənˈtrɒv.ə.si) about

Recently there has been a tendency towards + gerund (-ing) 

The trend of….is gaining in popularity among…

It is a well-known fact that...

More and more people today… 

The essay title proposes that

It is now accepted by more people that/ It is widely accepted that...

It is popularly believed that...

The survey/ title enables us to realize that...

This essay will outline/ rough out/ analyze the benefits and drawbacks of this phenomenon and will weigh (not ‘weight’ that is the noun) up its merits.

(after describing the main issue and your main view) ...This position will be elaborated on and supported (My comment: I do not like these types of introductions resembling instructions; however, I think it is OK for the exams)


           Linking words (Main Body):


          Speaking of the present days:

Nowadays… (My comment: it is so trite (1), as using ‘In Conclusion’ to finish your essay, that most will use it, but you must distinguish between your candidates!) 

(1) trite = (of a remark, opinion or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness; pronounced traɪt)

In this day and age

In our day and age

At present...// Currently

In contemporary/ modern society...

...is a more recent phenomenon


           Controversy/ debate about an issue:


...has recently become a matter of debate/ controversy (pronounced ˈkɒn.trə.vɜː.si or kənˈtrɒv.ə.si) between...and…

Recently there has been a great deal of controversy about…

The question of whether or not we should … is a controversial one. 


           Referring to positive side/ pros/ advantages:


It cannot be denied that there are many positive aspects to...

On the positive side… can be beneficial in some ways

...has considerable advantages

... has benefited...

It is often said/ claimed/ alleged by those in favor of… that…

Those who approve of/ support…. say/claim that…

One argument in favor of… is…

There may be elements of truth (not ‘of true’) in this

.... are in favor of...

There were other benefits too.

Many of its exponents (exponent = a person who believes in and promotes the truth or benefits of an idea or theory) are considerable people who... 


           Referring to Advantages:


It is clearly crucial…

A further advantage of… is...

...is to our advantage

           Referring to negative side/ cons/ disadvantages:


However, there are some drawbacks to consider

Critics/ Opponents say/ allege/ maintain/ claim that…

...have a negative influence on

...have a negative consequence 

Have disastrous effects on/ upon (e.g., the environment)

Have a detrimental/ harmful/ destructive impact on….(e.g., the environment)

Exponents (exponent = a person who believes in and promotes the truth or benefits of an idea or theory) of this view say/claim/allege/ maintain that…while opponents/ people/those who oppose/ are against/ disagree with it say/claim/allege/ maintain that…

There are, however, disadvantages to…

On the negative side// On the downside, ...

...however, it has its disadvantages.

Despite (without ‘of’) these advantages… has some disadvantages/ drawbacks as well.

On the other hand, there are considerable disadvantages.

Despite its benefits, … also exhibits several limitations

The other side of the coin is that…

On the other end of the spectrum, …

These must be balanced against possible benefits to decide if…

These changes can negatively impact/ have a negative impact on... 

....is highly disturbing

It has many benefits, but its limitations should be considered.

It is a devastating issue.


           Referring to the disadvantages:


Despite these advantages… has some disadvantages/ drawbacks as well

On the other hand, there are considerable disadvantages

Despite its benefits, … also exhibits several limitations

Whatever the advantages of.. they also exhibit/ have drawbacks

To oppose the view that….

On the negative side, I would argue that…


           Referring to contributing factors to a problem/issue:


One main factor that has brought about this problem/ issue is…

Another contributing factor is…

Many problems arise from…

It also significantly contributes to

Has a significant impact on...

A further and more serious problem is...


          Something generally believed/ accepted:


It is widely recognized/ accepted/ alleged/ stated/ supported that…

It is generally believed that...

It is a well–known fact that...

More and more people today…

It is now accepted by more people

It is widely accepted that...

It is popularly believed that…

Generally speaking,

A lot of people think/ believe/ say/claim that…

As widely supported, 

           Arguing about something:


Arguably, ...

I would argue that...

It is hard to believe that…/ ...is hard to believe

Many argue that/ It is widely argued that...

However, it has been claimed/ alleged that...

Nevertheless, opponents of this view maintain that

However, it can be argued that…

One argument is…

There are also many negative aspects to this

The argument against… is…

Opponents of… claim/ argue/ are concerned that


..is a matter of debate

Advocates of… say/ claim that...

Although I appreciate the problem, I wholeheartedly disagree with the view that...

There are several arguments against it

The most cogent (pronounced ˈkəʊ.dʒənt) = convincing) argument against this is...


          Giving solutions/ suggestions


When considering solutions to the problem caused by...the main burden lies in the hands of the government to impose/ implement measures that ensure….

It is only by understanding the reasons for this trend that solutions/suggestions can be made/ attempted to correct/ improve/ rectify (= correct) the situation

When it comes to improving…/improvement, the burden of responsibility lies both in the hands of governments and individuals

Such schemes (pronounced ‘skms’) should target (e.g., schoolchildren (1 word)) as well as (e.g., teachers) as early awareness of the negative effects/ consequences/ ramifications of (e.g., bullying)..…and can combat the problem long-term

A good idea would be…

Individuals also need to take responsibility for their actions

By making a few changes too...it would be possible to see results in a short space of time

To suggest some measures...

To propose some steps/To take steps/ actions...

This problem can be overcome by…

….is worth the expense and effort

For these reasons, the idea of…can...

One suggestion that has been put forward to lessen the severity of the problem is to…

The government should endeavor (= try hard to do or achieve something; pronounced ɪnˈdɛvə or ɛnˈdɛvə) to upgrade (= raise something to a higher standard) (e.g., the public transportation system)

...are clearly still a popular choice in...

There is little to be gained and much to be lost by... (e.g., banning...) 

Which might counter (= speak or act in opposition to) the effects of

Dealing with this problem is not a straightforward matter.

In all/ some respects, ...

This can be easily averted (avert = prevent or ward off an undesirable occurrence, e.g., to avert accidental deaths) / rectified (rectify = correct, e.g., They are already working to rectify matters)

To remedy this problem, a...

More lives will be spared from... (e.g., traffic collisions) if...

This position will be elaborated on and supported (then you analyze your suggestions)


           Giving Views:


It is understood that...

It cannot be denied that...

….is a growing trend

As can be remarked, ...

In reference to...

About…, it is clear that…

On the occasion of...

Speaking about...

On the grounds of/that...

It is alleged that….

As it was quoted/ stated, …

Practically/ In essence (= fundamentally)

Foremost, …

First and foremost, ...

The main burden lies in the hands of(e.g., the government) to impose measures that ensure…. / to introduce (new) legislation to limit (e.g., the use of fossil fuels)

When it comes to improving…/ improvement, the burden of responsibility lies both in the hands of governments and individuals

Noteworthy, ...

In fact, ...

Of crucial importance is…

This is becoming apparent in many….

Apparently, …

Indeed, it is true (not ‘truth’) that…

In this way...can...


I believe there are three main reasons why….

One of the main factors that have brought about this issue is…

It is popularly/ partially believed that...

It is also true (do not write ‘it is truth’), though, that…

It is generally stated/ said that….

It is often alleged/ claimed...

To rough out (= to produce a preliminary and unfinished version of something) an idea...// The engineer roughed out a diagram on his notepad. 

it could be easily induced

....is of a great assistance

To assume that...

It can be pointed out that…

It strikes that

We should not be misled by…

To point out the….

In the sense that...(=because)

At the same time, …

Once these were thought important

...is often a feature of

There are also very practical problems to be faced/ to be dealt with

In the first place, //….in the first place

Compared to/with...

...There may be elements of truth (do not write ‘of true’) in this.

This idea should seem much more reasonable

This perspective suggests that...

Such arguments are not reasonable// rational (= logical)/ powerful

Although these claims are true (not ‘are truth’) to some extent (not ‘extend,' as ‘extend’ is the verb).

However, it can be argued that

Whether this is acceptable in modern society….

Their line of reasoning is that….

This is much better than…

We could all lose if that occurred

Little is done to reverse  its progress

...to make it easier and more enjoyable

The prospect of returning to…

...is not retractable

It probably dates from... (e.g., the 19th century)

Provided/ providing that...

As long as...

On the condition that….

So as to….

In which case….

Whether (be careful not to write ‘weather’ as a typo!) or not, this is….

That is to say….

Clearly, …

Needless to say, ...

Actually, ...

At first sight, it seems/ looks like….

As a general rule, ...

Up to a point….

To a certain extent (not ‘extend,' as ‘extend’ is the verb)

In a sense...

In a way...

In all respects….

It is often alleged that….

Some people argue that….

Still, …

In spite of the fact that….

At the same time,

Although it cannot be denied that….

One should bear (pronounced b(r)) in mind that…

It is a growing trend…/….is a growing trend

It is vital, though, that….

It can be admitted, though/ however, that….

It can be conceded (= admitted) that….

This may be true to some extent (not ‘extend,' as ‘extend’ is the verb), but….

Fortunately, these cases are rare

However, no one can deny that….

It seems likely/ unlikely that….

Admittedly, ...

It goes without saying that….

To put it another way, ...

This is clearly illustrated by….

With a view to + gerund (-ing) ….

On account of the fact that…/Because/ Since

Given/ seeing that….

This is partly true, but...

There is some truth (not ‘some true’) to it, but…

Advocate + gerund (-ing)/ noun, e.g., He advocates taking a more long-term 

view (**).


Another serious viewpoint is….

To be wise/ prudent (= acting with or showing care and thought for the future) ….

As can be remarked, ...

In favor of….

...is effective/ ineffective

...is influential

In real life, ...

...providing young people with...

Their opinions/ viewpoints are always taken into account/ serious consideration/ considered

Regarding(without ‘to’/ ‘regarding; is not accompanied by a preposition) e.g., ‘Regarding unemployment, I believe that’...)

Regardless of the fact that.../Although/Even though 

This does/ does not imply that...

…. can/may be expressed in many manners

On the grounds of (= for the reasons)/ that

With the reasoning that...

Definitely, I agree/ believe that….

...is all that matters

Not to mention the fact that…

For sure/ certainly, I believe that...

In some way, most of us want to…

Ultimately, though, it is apparent that… (Ultimately = finally, after a series of things have happened, e.g., Ultimately, he'd like to have his own business, but that won't be for some time.// Used to emphasize the most important fact in a situation, e.g., Ultimately, he'll have to decide (*))

Given the problem, it might seem as…

Looking beyond the tabloids, however, it is apparent that

A more realistic scenario now is…

In doing so, however, they are also demonstrating (= showing) why…

In this way, we…

We should focus on how…

Some see this problem as...while others have a more critical opinion

It is noteworthy that.../ A noteworthy example

Concerning... (e.g., young ages)

…. (e.g., heart disease) constitute(s) the first/ main cause of… (e.g., mortality/ morbidity)

The perspective/ condition/ state

In essence (= relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something; fundamentally e.g., In essence, both sides agree on this issue (^^)// e.g., In detail, the class system is complex, but in essence, it is simple.// e.g., Football, in essence, is competitive, and it is important for the health of the game that it remains so).

As far as I/we knowledge...

As far as I am concerned/ as I know

To the best of my/our knowledge 

As regards... (e.g., As regards unemployment; not 'with regards unemployment')

In/with regard to (I prefer the phrase ‘With regard to’; be careful as here we say ‘regard,' not ‘regards’)

A piece of advice/ information

Much advice/ information (they are both uncountable nouns)

In that case, ...

To consolidate and extend the focus of….

Additionally, they should deal with…. e.g., endless/ unbearable bureaucracy

My/ their thoughts are directed through...

The golden rule is…//...is the golden rule

To tackle/ handle this issue, …

This implies that…

To prevail over

The refugee (pronounced ˌref.juˈdʒ) crisis/ surge

Significance/ significantly, ...

Figures changed in/ over the following years

Worryingly, ...

When I think about what is at stake (= at risk) over the next five years, I think about...

The government needs to/must (must is more imperative) pass new legislation delineating (delineate = describe or portray (something) precisely) the...

The agreement aims to tackle the issue of/ to hamper (= hinder or impede the movement or progress of) the effects of (e.g., greenhouse (1 word) gas emissions)

Spell out (= explain clearly)


What is noteworthy is that…


          Stating your opinion:


Generally, people…. 

I believe there are three main reasons why….

I believe that... (quite common; you will not impress the reader!)

In my opinion/view, .../// As far as I am concerned 

To my mind, ...

Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is...

I am in favor of….

I opt for (= make a choice from a range of possibilities)

I have never liked it… so I am happy that nowadays….

I do not think it is possible to

First of all, I consider it to be…

Speaking personally, I strongly believe that...

I reckon (= be of the opinion) that... // He reckons that the answer lies in promoting ''civility, mutual respect, a semblance of decency''

To rough out (= produce a preliminary and unfinished version of something) an idea

To my way of thinking, ...

It strikes me that...

I am inclined to believe that…. // From/ to my perspective,

As far as I am concerned, .../ It seems (to me) that...

However, I would still point out that….

I am/ am not convinced that….

If I weigh (not ‘weight,’ as ‘weight’ is the noun and ‘weigh’ the verb) both aspects, I mostly opt for

In a sense that… I think/believe that….

...in a sense

...is all that matters

I rely on

Definitely, I think that….

Nevertheless/ Nonetheless, I believe that….

The last, as well as the least, is...

As far as I know, ...

To the best of my knowledge…. 

In defense of (a view) …, I would contend (1)/ assert (2) that...     

(1) contend = To say that something is true or is a fact, e.g., The lawyer contended (that) his client had never been near the crime scene./// To compete in order to win something, e.g., There are three world-class tennis players contending for this title (*).

(2) assert (the noun is 'assertion')= to behave in a way that expresses your confidence, importance, or power and earns you respect from others, e.g., He very quickly asserted his authority over the class./// To state an opinion or claim a right forcefully, e.g., The companies have asserted that everything they did was appropriate./// If you assert yourself, you act forcefully in a way that expresses your confidence, e.g., You have to learn to speak up and assert yourself at meetings, or you’ll never get anywhere (*).

Cite vs. Quote

Cite (pronounced saɪt) = to mention something as proof for a theory or a reason why something has happened, e.g., He cited three reasons people get into debt.// e.g., Scientists cite this experiment as their main support for this theory./// To speak or write words taken from a particular writer or written work, e.g., He cites both T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf in his article./// To praise someone in the armed forces publicly for their brave actions, e.g., He was cited for bravery (*).

Quote = repeating words someone else has said or written, e.g., She's always quoting from the Bible.// e.g., ''Can I quote you on that?'' (= can I repeat to other people what you have just said?)./// If you quote a fact or example, you refer to it to emphasize what you are saying, e.g., (+ two objects) ''Quote me one organization that doesn't have some bad managers.'' /// To give a price, especially one that will be charged for doing a piece of work, e.g., The architect has quoted $80,000 to build a patio ((pronounced ˈpæt.i.əʊ) = an area outside a house with a solid floor but no roof, used in good weather for relaxing, eating, etc. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patio#/media/File:Patio_de_C%C3%B3rdoba.jpg ) (*).


           Mentioning a personal example:


I would like to quote a (traumatic) personal case/ experience)

At this point, a personal case would be useful/ fruitful

I would consider it fruitful // constructive/ useful if I quoted a personal experience

It would be to the point if I quoted a personal experience


           Putting views/reasons/arguments in order:


First/ First and foremost

First of all (e.g., First of all, I consider it to be a….)


The first issue is that…

Firstly, regarding..., it should…

Originally/ Initially/ In the first place/ To begin with/ To start with

Secondly (e.g., Secondly, there is the issue of...) …., Thirdly…

Furthermore/ Moreover/ Additionally/ Another contributing factor is...

Lastly/ Finally (e.g., Finally, to ease the… on...)

A final consideration would be to…


           Returning to a view:


In return, as …

As foretold(‘foresay’ does not exist; it is ‘foretell’)


          When something is the same:




As previously stated,

Interchangeably (adverb) (interchangeable = (adjective) able to be exchanged with each other without making any difference or without being noticed, e.g., Interchangeable parts.// e.g., The terms "drinking problem" and "alcohol abuse" are often interchangeable (^^))




In comparison with

Comparing to


Reversing an idea

Conversely ((adverb) = introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to; e.g., Conversely, to drive unpredictably is to drive dangerously.// e.g., This conversely means that hundreds of events never even register in awareness.// e.g., The same is true with salty food, just as, conversely, the less sugar or salt we eat, the more sensitive we become to their presence)


            An alternative:




           To summarize:


To put it briefly

In a nutshell (it seems colloquial)

In summary (it seems more like a review)


To sum up

In total

On the whole

All in all

All told

All things considered

Taking everything into consideration/ account

Everything taken into consideration/ account


           If there is no doubt:


Undoubtedly, ... (pronounced ʌnˈdɑʊ·t̬ɪd·li; we do not pronounce the ‘b’ here)

Without a doubt, ...

It cannot be denied that….

There is no doubt that…

It goes without saying that...

There is no denying that...

Definitely, ...

It is doubtless that...

It is undeniable that...


           Adding a view:


In addition (to)…


Moreover, ...

Furthermore, ...

Additionally, ...

In particular, ...

As regards (e.g., As regards unemployment, …)

Concerning...// Taking into account.../ Considering 

In/ with regard to…. (I prefer ‘With regard to’; be careful as here we say ‘regard,' no ‘regards’)

With respect to….


Given (= taking into account, e.g., Given the complexity of the task, they did a good job)

Regarding (something) (without a preposition after it, e.g., Regarding unemployment, it has increased significantly)

Likewise (= in the same way; also, e.g., The programs of study will apply from five years of age, likewise the attainment targets)

What is more, ...

This has become apparent in many ways

Plus/Additionally important…. can be…

It is established (= proved) that...

Another point is that…

What is more, ...

Not to mention the fact that

In view of...

On the grounds that….

Owing to...

It was worth it.

It stands for

A further and more serious problem is…

In fact, …

Besides, ...

Beside this….


           Linking words for Conclusion:


In summary (it seems more like a review)

Everything taken into consideration/ account

Taking everything into consideration/ account

All things considered, ...

On the whole, …

In conclusion, I believe that… (quite common; I do not recommend using it if you want to impress the reader)

Overall, ...

To sum up, ...

In total, ...

Above all, …

All in all, ...

All told, ...

In conclusion, I believe there is some truth (not ‘some true’) to the notion that...


In the final analysis….

To conclude….

In the end…

Overall, there are convincing arguments for…, but also strong arguments against this…. It will take more years of debate before a final conclusion is reached

To sum up, it is clear that...but it is equally clear that there is/should be (some) awareness about this problem and measures are already being taken to reverse its progress. It is important/ crucial these efforts/ attempts continue

To sum up, it seems (to me) that it is much/ little to be gained if

While it cannot be denied that...it is also true that…

Whichever way one looks at the problem, it is a fact that

For these reasons, the idea of…

Above all, ...

To put it briefly, …

To put it in a nutshell… (not so formal to use it!)

To sum up, it is only by understanding the reasons for this trend that solutions/suggestions can be made/ attempted to correct/ improve/ rectify (= correct) the situation

To sum up, it is clear thathave serious repercussions (= unintended consequences occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one (1))/ ramifications (= consequences of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome (1)) on…, measures should be taken to counteract/ deal with/ tackle the problems that may arise/ to hamper (= hinder or impede the movement or progress of) the effects of (e.g., greenhouse (1 word) gas emissions) 

(1) 'repercussion' and 'ramification' are countable nouns usually used as plural nouns, i.e., 'repercussions' and 'ramifications.' 

In conclusion, although I appreciate the problem, I wholeheartedly disagree with the view that...

Altogether (without a comma after) ...


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