English Language Lessons

English Language Lessons
*Politically Incorrect Opinion Texts: https://drjamesmanos.blogspot.com/2022/03/politically-incorrect-opinion-texts-of.html *Τexts with Ηealth-related Τopics: https://mymedicaltexts.blogspot.com *Herbs & Supplements: https://herbsanddietarysupplementsdatabase.blogspot.com *Source for the image (free to use): Hypothetical flag quartering the British and American flags (January 11, 2009). Author: Lunar Dragoon. Source: Wikipedia Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:UK-US_flag.png

Friday, July 5, 2019

TIPS for English (49): Words(II) (P)

·    Layout (1 word) = (noun) The way in which text or pictures are set out on a page e.g., The layout is uncluttered, and the illustrations are helpful./// (mass noun) The process of setting out material on a page e.g., Doing layout for newspapers and magazines./// A thing arranged or set out in a particular way e.g., A model railway layout.
·   Set-up = (noun) (informal) (usually in singular) The way in which something, especially an organization or equipment, is organized, planned, or arranged e.g., ''Would you feel comfortable in a team-teaching set-up?''//e.g., Its main task would be to enlighten people on the role of an elected Government in a democratic set-up and fight for their rights.// e.g., They want a political set-up that serves US interests.// e.g., These conflicting results may be attributed to differences in the experimental set-up or the organisms used./// An organization or arrangement e.g., A set-up called Film Education./// A set of equipment needed for a particular activity or purpose e.g., I have a recording set-up in my house./// (usually in singular) A scheme or trick intended to incriminate or deceive someone e.g., ''Listen. He didn't die. It was a set-up!''// e.g., ''Is the whole accusation of racism just a set-up?''//// (US English) A contest with a prearranged outcome./// (usually in singular) (in a ball game) a pass or play intended to provide an opportunity for another player to score.
·  Maul (pronounced mɔːl) = (transitive verb; often passive) if an animal mauls someone, it attacks that person and injures them with its teeth or clawsSee http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02211/cheetah-1_2211034b.jpg and  (you should be warned that the footage is shocking) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv5MIvI0jh4 // e.g., A small boy was mauled by the neighbor’s dog./// (transitive verb; often passive) to criticize something or someone severely; e.g., Both films were mauled by the critics (*).
·     Pictogram (vs.) Ideogram (vs.) Hologram (vs.) Hieroglyphics
·    Pictogram (or pictogramme or pictograph) = (noun) a type of graph that uses pictures or symbols to show or compare dateSee https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/Signatures_from_the_Past.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Agawa_Rock%2C_panel_VIII.jpg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-nKLrSMxts and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYBl5rjjtKU  For pictogram vectors See https://www.theschoolrun.com/sites/theschoolrun.com/files/content-images/pictogram.png  and http://images.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/pictogram_names and https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/hotel-room-icons_23-2147496001.jpg // e.g., The computers in the pictogram represent the numbers sold over the last six months (*).
·    Ideogram (pronounced ˈɪd.i.ə.ɡræm) = (noun) A written character symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it, e.g., Numerals and Chinese characters. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Perros_No.svg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/EinKaremVisitationIdeogram.jpg  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rOZffcy4Tc  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1HX0bjkp-I  // e.g., Perhaps there is a sound that goes with the symbol, as with Chinese ideograms; maybe there are multiple sounds also with Chinese ideograms as they are rendered orally in diverse dialects.
·    Hologram = (noun) a special type of photograph or image made with a laser in with the objects shown look solid, as if they are real, rather than flat (^^) (i.e., they are 3D). See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Holomouse2.jpg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y60mfBvXCj8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPQAY1Mn280   
· Hieroglyphics (pronounced ˌhaɪə.rəˈɡlɪf.ɪks) = (plural noun) the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. It combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1,000 distinct characters (*****). See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/Hieroglyphs_from_the_tomb_of_Seti_I.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Heiroglyphs.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Ibn_Wahshiyya%27s_985_CE_translation_of_the_Ancient_Egyptian_hieroglyph_alphabet.jpg    and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Egypt_Hieroglyphe4.jpg  // But, of course, the great intellectual barrier that Champollion had to overcome was this long-held assumption that hieroglyphics were just picture writing.
·    Cutoff (1 word) = (noun) the act of stopping the supply of something e.g., The US has announced a cutoff of military aid to the country./// fixed point or level at which you stop including people or things e.g., 3 May is the cutoff date for applications to be accepted (*).
·  Punctual (adjective) (the noun is punctuality, and the adverb is punctually) = (adjective) happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time e.g., He's the sort of man who's always punctual.// e.g., A punctual start to the meeting (^^^ for this example).// e.g., In the report inspectors recognized the problems we have with poor accommodation and punctual starts to lessons arising from this./// (Grammar) Denoting or relating to an action that takes place at a particular point in time.
·    Conspicuous (pronounced kənˈspɪkjʊəs) = (adjective) Clearly visible e.g., He was very thin, with a conspicuous Adam's apple./// Attracting notice or attention e.g., He showed conspicuous bravery.// e.g., Early in 1798, he was appointed to lead the Army of Italy, which he did with conspicuous success./// ''Conspicuous by one's absence'' = (phrase) obviously not present where one or it should be e.g., Government members were conspicuous by their absence.
·     Per capita (or per caput) (adjective & adverb) For each person; in relation to people taken individually.// (as adverb) e.g., The state had fewer banks per capita than elsewhere.// e.g., Lower than average per capita spending.
·  Reserve (as a noun) = (noun) (usually plural: Reserves) = supply of a commodity not needed for immediate use but available if required e.g., Australia has major coal, gas, and uranium reserves./// Funds kept available by a bank, company, or government e.g., Foreign exchange reserves./// A part of a company's profits added to capital rather than paid as a dividend e.g., The bank built up a cash reserve of £2 bn (=billion) to meet any run on the bank once the loss was revealed.// e.g., As such, this inclusion of the cash reserves can actually overstate capital and reduce ROCE.
·   Elusive (pronounced ɪˈlsɪv) = (adjective) Difficult to find, catch, or achieve e.g., Success will become ever more elusive.// e.g., The answers to these questions remain as elusive as ever (^^^ for the 2nd example)./// Difficult to remember e.g., The elusive thought he had had moments before.// Elusive memories (^^^ for the last example).
·  Duress (pronounced dʒuˈres) = (mass noun) Threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will or better judgment e.g., Confessions extracted under duress.// e.g., The resignation of the President is not constitutional because he did that under duress and threat./// (Law) Constraint illegally exercised to force someone to perform an act e.g., My wife was forced under extreme duress to sign consent orders which are not in the best interests of the children.// e.g., He claimed that he signed the confession under duress (^^^ for the last example).
·  Imbue somebody/something with something (verb with object) (often be imbued with) inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality. Synonym = Permeate.// e.g., His works are invariably imbued with a sense of calm and serenity.// e.g., It is an inspired album that is imbued with the warm spirit and gracious heart that is this family.
·     Permeate = (usually intransitive verb + adverb/ preposition; or transitive verb) to spread through something and be present in any part of it e.g., A full smell of stale beer permeated the whole building.// e.g., Dissatisfaction with the government seems to have permeated every section of the society (^^).
·   Pervade = (verb with object) (especially of a smellspread through and be perceived in every part of e.g., A smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air./// The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades our culture (^^^ for the 2nd example)./// Be present and apparent throughout e.g., The sense of crisis which pervaded Europe in the 1930s’.// e.g., An awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere pervades the tense setting.
·  Stale (pronounced steɪl= (adjective) no longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long. For stale bread See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Stale_bread.jpg and http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/04/01/10/272B0E3A00000578-3021159-image-m-5_1427882018952.jpg and  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/04/01/10/272B0E3A00000578-3021159-image-m-5_1427882018952.jpg // e.g., The bread/ cake/ biscuits had gone stale.// e.g., The morning after the partytheir apartment smelled of stale cigarette smoke./// Not fresh and new; boring because of  being too familiar e.g., Stale jokes/ news./// To describe who has lost interest in what they are doing because of being bored or working too hard e.g., They had been working together for over six years, and they had both become a little stale (*).
·   Fester = (verb; no object) (Of a wound or sore) become septic; suppurate. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Swollen_eye_with_conjunctivitis.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Abszess.jpg  and http://www.elliottsfancydress.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/650x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/f/e/fester-9065_800.jpg and  http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4011/4658732446_c59638dd31.jpg  //  e.g., ‘I developed a tropical sore that festered badly.’// e.g., Sores festered on his face and arms, and a terrible stench clung to the air surrounding him. [for wounds, we also use the term ‘ooze’ (pronounced z) = slowly exude or discharge a viscous fluid e.g., Her mosquito bites were oozing and itching like mad]./// (Of food or rubbish) become rotten and offensive to the senses. See https://georgettetaylor.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/dsc_0573.jpg and  https://i2-prod.examiner.co.uk/incoming/article4908707.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/bins-rubbish-512845479.jpg  e.g., Piles of moldy grey paper festered by the sink.// e.g., Every year, this mountain of festering garbage gets bigger./// (Of a negative feeling or a problem) become worse or more intense, especially through long-term neglect or indifference e.g., Below the surface, the old antagonisms festered.// e.g., But the longer the recovery lasted, the more the problems festered./// (Of a person) deteriorate physically and mentally in isolated inactivity e.g., Remand prisoners are left to fester in our jails while they wait for trial.// e.g., ‘It has been more than a month since that half-point loss to the league’s top team, and you're still festering.’
·Rot = (noun) the process of decay. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/DecayingPeachSmall.gif and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Berge_naturreservat_omkullfallet_liten_tall.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Decomposition_stages.jpg       // e.g., The leaves were turning black with rot./// Nonsense; rubbish e.g., ‘Don't talk rot. /// (verb) (chiefly of animal or vegetable matter) decay or cause to decay by the action of bacteria and fungi; decompose e.g., The chalets were neglected, and their woodwork was rotting away./// (abbreviation) Rotating.
·Rotten = (adjective) decayed. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/DecayingPeachSmall.gif and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Berge_naturreservat_omkullfallet_liten_tall.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Decomposition_stages.jpg  /// e.g., The room smelled of rotten vegetables.// e.g., A rotten egg (my example)./// Very bad e.g., A rotten weather.// (old fashioned) e.g., ‘It was rotten of you to leave without saying goodbye’ (^^).
· Elan (pronounced eɪˈlæn) = (mass noun) Energy, style, and enthusiasm e.g., They performed with uncommon elan on stage.// e.g., Mr. Jones has a robust voice, which he modulates with uncommon ease and elan.// e.g., As a Prime Minister, he had a certain Elan (^^^ for the last example).

·    Bred (not to be confused with ‘bread’) = past and p.p. of ''breed''.// (adjective) (usually in combination) (of a person or animal) reared in a specified environment or way e.g., The bareness of the scene intimidated the city-bred Elizabeth.// e.g., Here, different bred animals are set loose in the city.
·     Buddy (vs) Baddy (vs) Bawdy
·  Buddy = (noun) a friend e.g., ‘George and I have been great buddies for years’ (^^).
·    Baddy (or baddie) = (noun) (mainly UK English) A bad person in a film, book, etc. (i.e., a villain).// e.g., In the old cowboy films, the baddies always get beaten in the end (^^).
·  Bawdy (pronounced ˈbɔː.di) (not to be confused with ‘baddy’) = (adjective) Comically dealing with sexual matters; humorously indecent. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6bOr5VWo5Y   For bawdy (stand-up comedy) See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs32ulXUvdA   e.g., Brothers and sisters should avoid one another in public and refrain from telling bawdy jokes or making sexual remarks in each other's presence.// Bawdy humor/ songs (^^^ for this example).// e.g., Several mainstream computer game publishers are releasing bawdy video games containing nudity and explicit sexual content./// (noun) Humorously indecent talk or writing e.g., His wonderful wit greatly delighted contemporary readers, most of whom were not worried by bawdy, though there were some who thought it inappropriate for a clergyman.
·   Indecent (pronounced ɪnˈds(ə)nt) = (adjective) Not conforming with generally accepted standards of behavior or propriety, especially in relation to sexual matters; obscene e.g., Indecent acts.// e.g., The film was grossly indecent.// e.g., There was no other allegation of an indecent act, notwithstanding a detailed investigation.///  Not appropriate or fitting e.g., They leaped on the suggestion with indecent haste.// e.g., ‘One council I know well, suffered financial loss as a result of that indecent haste (= too much speed).’
·   Obscene (pronounced əbˈsn) = (adjective) (of the portrayal or description of sexual matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency e.g., Obscene jokes.// e.g.,  They said the film was obscene and vulgar and showed women in a poor light./// Offending against moral principles; repugnant e.g., Using animals' skins for fur coats is obscene.// e.g., ‘If only she could express it without employing obscene moral parallels.’
·  Byword = (noun) A person or thing cited as a notable and outstanding example or embodiment of something e.g., His name became a byword for luxury.// e.g., As Shakespeare notes, the place was ‘a byword for remoteness.’/// A word or expression summarizing a thing's characteristics or a person's principles e.g., ‘Small is beautiful’ may be the byword for most couturiers.// e.g., The most intriguing of the calls is the one said to have been made by the flight's most famous passenger whose ‘Let’s roll!’ phrase became a byword for the victims' heroism and patriotism.
·   Let's roll colloquialism that has been used extensively as a command to move and start an activity, attack, mission or project (*****).
·   Couture (pronounced kuːˈtjʊə(r)(or haute couture) = (noun) the designing, making, and selling of expensive fashionable clothing, or clothes themselves e.g., A couture show/ collection/ house./// Couturier (noun) e.g., In 1960 Pierre Cardin became the 1st couturier to design men’s clothes (^^).
·    Tangible = (adjective) Perceptible by touch e.g., The atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible.// e.g., ‘She held me tightly while I cried, never saying a word, and the sheer strength of her love was almost tangible.’/// Clear and definite; real e.g., The emphasis is now on tangible results.// e.g.,  Could it be that there was actually a real and tangible hope that we would get out of here?’/// (noun) (usually tangibles) a thing that is perceptible by touch e.g., These are the only tangibles upon which an assessment can be made.
·   Assortment = (nounA miscellaneous collection of things or people. See   https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihmkfwk2EcPQ5jfsFhZLMQsgrw2isKuwCld416lJC2HxiA8dkT14mfws4dyCgL4ssa1JBWtumbn5tdKh4XEpKV0hHuk49-F56tKTJcBCuuJDIlrbAPZlSSI2IKou1IvdZibV2BBz8asERE/s1600/reducing+assortment.jpg  // e.g., The room was filled with an assortment of clothes.// e.g., It was huge and full of a wide assortment of cars from all ages.
· Paw = (noun) an animal's foot having claws and pads. See  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Paw_and_pads.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/DogDewClawTika1_wb.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Panthera_tigris11.jpg  For a cat’s paw See   https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1c/Cat_paw_depth_of_field.jpg // e.g., The feet of the throne are modeled after large catlike paws without claws./// (verb) (of an animal) feel or scrape with a paw or hoof e.g., The horse rose on its strong haunches, its forelegs pawing the air.
·     Limp = (intransitive verb) to walk slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg or foot. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPJbi00FNoY    and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgUqhxtNw1E  // e.g., Four minutes into the game, Thomson limped off the pitch with a serious ankle injury./// (intransitive verb + adverb/preposition) (informal) To move or develop slowly and with difficulty e.g., The little boat limped slowly towards the shore.// e.g., After limping along for almost four years, the economy is starting to show signs of recovery./// (adjective) Soft and neither frim nor stiff e.g., A limp lettuce leaf/ salad.// e.g., A limp handshake./// (noun) A way of walking slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg or foot e.g., He has a slight limp.// e.g., She walks with a limp (*).
·   Giddy (pronounced ˈɡɪdi) = (adjective) Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy. See  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMNerqjZFyU  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYVUEhcLxow  // e.g., Donald felt almost giddy with relief./// Disorientating and alarming, but exciting e.g., His giddy rise to power./// Excitable and frivolous e.g., Mary's giddy young sister-in-law.// e.g., ‘I don't think he will appreciate us turning her into a giddy school girl with incoherent ramblings.’/// (verb with objectMake someone feel excited to the point of disorientation e.g., ‘You should just sit back and enjoy it, but I feel slightly giddied by it.’/// ''My giddy aunt!'' (phrase) (dated) used to express astonishment./// ''Play the giddy goat'' = (phrase) (dated) behave in an irresponsible, silly, or playful way e.g., My father is okay but tired, though he manages to play the giddy goat with his grandsons, who think he's really funny.
·    Giddiness = (noun) A sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizziness e.g., His symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and giddiness./// A state of excitable frivolity e.g., The fans can be forgiven their giddiness.
·  Frivolous (pronounced ˈfrɪv.əl.əs) (adjective) not having any serious purpose or value e.g., Frivolous ribbons and lacy frills.// e.g., Rules to stop frivolous lawsuits.// e.g., Everything that she made a mental note of seemed unimportant and frivolous./// (of a person) Carefree and superficial e.g., The frivolous, fun-loving flappers of the twenties.// e.g., ‘I do resent a Government Minister telling me I got into debt because I was flighty, frivolous and decadent.’
·   Frivolity = (noun) behavior that is silly and not serious, or things that are silly and not important e.g., ‘You should treat such serious subject with frivolity.’// e.g., ‘I am far too busy to waste time on frivolities like going to the cinema’ (^^).
·     We spend/waste time in something (e.g., ‘You need to spend your time in a relaxed way;or on something (e.g., ‘I am far too busy to waste time on frivolities (= silly, unimportant things) like going to the cinema’ (^^)We also spend time with a person, and at an activity. But we spend/waste money on something. Instead of ‘waste time/ money’ we may use the phrase fritter time/ money away’ = waste time, money, or energy on trifling matters e.g., ‘I wish we hadn't frittered the money away so easily.’// e.g., ‘She fritters so much money away on expensive make-up’ (^^). For time or money, we may also use the verb ‘squander my time/ money’ (= I waste my time/ money recklessly and foolishly) e.g., $100m of taxpayers’ money has been squandered on administering the tax.// e.g., He got involved in various religious cults and squandered all his money.// e.g., Trust and integrity are precious resources easily squandered, and hard to regain.
·    Decadent (pronounced ˈdɛkəd(ə)nt= (adjectiveCharacterized by or reflecting a state of moral or cultural decline e.g., A decaying, decadent Britain.// e.g., Those values have more or less passed away, during this decadent cultural period in which we have lived.// e.g., The doom of what they see as the decadent West is, they say, inevitable./// Luxuriously self-indulgent e.g., A decadent soak in a scented bath.// e.g., Grab your swimsuits, and get ready for a day of decadent indulgence./// (noun) A person who is luxuriously self-indulgent e.g., For half a million dollars, he offers rich decadents the chance to lead a safari.// e.g., The story concerns a dissolute decadent who is enchanted with his beloved, Alicia's, form, but who detests what he considers to be the frivolity and shallowness of her personality./// member of a group of late 19th-century French and English poets associated with the Aesthetic Movement.
·   Dissolute (pronounced ˈdɪsəlt) (adjective) (of a person or a way of life) overindulging in sensual pleasures e.g., ‘Unfortunately, his heir was feckless and dissolute.’// e.g.,  Some see this electric music as a dissolute phase and some perceive it as tired, evidence of an aging talent attempting to be contemporary.// e.g., ‘It seems to me bad and dissolute things happen late at night under cover of darkness.
·  Feckless = (adjectivelacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible e.g., A feckless mama’s boy.// e.g., Her feckless younger brother.// e.g., She may be a feckless and incompetent parent, but that is no reason for her not being treated properly.
·   Heir (pronounced eə(r)(not to be confused with ‘hair’!) = (noun) a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death. Synonym = successor.//  e.g., His eldest son and heir.
·  Estuary (pronounced ˈes.tʃu.ə.ri= (noun) The tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream. Synonym = mouth.// See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Mattole_River_Estuary_2005.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Exe_estuary_from_balloon.jpg  and http://estuarytotheocean.weebly.com/uploads/4/3/7/8/43788983/6323046_orig.jpg and http://www.mbgnet.net/salt/sandy/tidalstream.jpg  // e.g., The turtles spend most of their lives in mangrove-lined tidal estuaries, where rivers flow into the sea.
·   Tributary (pronounced ˈtrɪbjʊt(ə)ri) = (noun) A river or stream flowing into a larger river or lakeSee https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/Aerial_Photo_of_Harpers_Ferry_%2815646790473%29.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Harpers_Ferry_WV_aerial.jpg and (map) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/Huairivermap.jpg and https://isthisanythingdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/tributary-river.jpg?w=481&h=343 and http://roble.pntic.mec.es/rmac0040/im%E1genes/tributary.jpg // e.g., The Illinois River, a tributary of the Mississippi./// (historical) A person or state that pays tribute to another state or ruler e.g., Tributaries of the Ottoman Empire.

·  Mend (transitive verb) To repair something that is broken or damaged. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Field_repair_of_aircraft_engine_1915-1916.jpg and  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Pothole_repair.jpg  For mending a cloth See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLwrw5kBNsk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ynBWa5ej1Q  and http://www.grit.com/-/media/Images/GRT/Editorial/Articles/Magazine-Articles/2010/03-01/Learn-How-to-Mend-and-Recycle-Clothes/GRT-MA10-Sewing-on-button-i.jpg  and http://threadsmagazine.assets.tauntonnet.com/assets/uploads/posts/25494/mending10_lg.jpg  and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n7nOtmwBwk      // e.g., '' Could you mend this hole in my shirt?''// (UK English) e.g., ‘I've left my watch at the jeweler’s to be mended.’// (UK English) e.g., The plumber came to mend the burst pipe./// (noun) (UK English) A place in a piece of clothing where a repair has been made (*).
·    Recuperate (pronounced rɪˈkpəreɪt) = (verb no object) Recover from illness or exertion (in medicine for recovery is used the term ''convalescence'' – see below) e.g., He has been recuperating from a knee injury.// e.g., Christmas is a time to recuperate./// (verb with object) Recover or regain something lost or taken e.g., They will seek to recuperate the returns that go with investment.// e.g., She stood up, feeling a bit dizzy, and closed her eyes until she recuperated the balance.
·  Convalescence (pronounced ˌkɒn.vəˈles.əns) = (noun) Time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation e.g., A period of convalescence./// (countable noun) e.g., I had a long convalescence ahead.’
·   Set in = (phrasal verb) (of something unpleasant or unwelcome) begin and seem likely to continue e.g., Tables should be treated with a preservative before the bad weather sets in.// e.g., There must be a commitment to continuous improvement, otherwise complacency sets in.

·   Ore (pronounced a) Material = ɔː b) Swedish currency = ˈəːrə) = a) (pronounced ɔː) (noun) A naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be extracted profitably. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/98/Psilomelane-167850.jpg/220px-Psilomelane-167850.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Anglesite-Galena-249200.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Gold-Quartz-273364.jpg and http://ironoretrader.biz/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/iron.png e.g., A good deposit of lead-bearing ores.// (mass noun) e.g., The mine's reserves of ore./// b) (pronounced ˈəːrə)  (noun) A monetary unit of Sweden, equal to one- hundredth of a krona.
·   Colliery (UK English) (coal mining) = (noun) A coal mine and the buildings and equipment associated with it. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/FIRST_SHIFT_OF_MINERS_AT_THE_VIRGINIA-POCAHONTAS_COAL_COMPANY_MINE_%5E4_NEAR_RICHLANDS%2C_VIRGINIA%2C_LEAVING_THE_ELEVATOR...._-_NARA_-_556393_tweaked.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Coal_mine_Wyoming.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Boats_hauling_coal.jpg and http://www.locallearning.org.uk/easton/images/colliery.jpg and http://www.thepotteries.org/photos_set/glebe_col_fenton.jpg          // e.g., A breath of hope came in 1994 when UK Coal's predecessor RJB Mining, bought 21 collieries from British Coal, including many in this region.
·  Amenity (pronounced əˈmnə.ti) = (nounA desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place e.g., The property is situated in a convenient location, close to all local amenities.// e.g., Basic amenities including toilet facilities and drinking water would be provided./// (mass noun) The pleasantness or attractiveness of a place e.g., Developments which would clash with amenity./// e.g., The residents, however, based their main objections on the parking and fears of loss of amenity around their homes.
· Discourse (pronounced a) noun: ˈdɪskɔːs b) verb: dɪsˈkɔːs)= a) (noun) (pronounced ˈdɪskɔːsWritten or spoken communication or debate.// (mass noun) e.g., The language of political discourse.// (countable noun) e.g., An imagined discourse between two people.// (countable noun) A formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing e.g., A discourse on critical theory./// (Linguistics) A connected series of utterances; a text or conversation./// b) (verb; no object) (pronounced dɪsˈkɔːs) Speak or write authoritatively about a topic e.g., He could discourse at great length on the history of Europe./// Engage in conversation e.g., She spent an hour discoursing with his supporters.// e.g., One senses that he misses being in a classroom, discoursing with students.
·   Discursive (pronounced dɪˈskɜː.sɪv) (adjective) Digressing from subject to subject e.g., Students often write dull, second-hand, discursive prose.// e.g., It is a long-winded, discursive discussion about benefits and costs, without any clarity at all../// (of a style of speech or writing) Fluent and expansive e.g., The short story is concentrated, whereas the novel is discursive.// e.g., There must be some important enabling mechanism for people to be so discursive about things./// Relating to discourse or modes of discourse e.g., The attempt to transform utterances from one discursive context to another.
· Digression (pronounced dʌɪˈɡrɛʃ(ə)n) (not to be confused with ‘discretion’) = (noun) A temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing e.g., ''Let's return to the main topic after that brief digression.''// e.g., Except for a few meandering authorial digressions, the novel maintains a cracking pace from start to finish.// e.g., Anyway, my minor digression leads me to my point.’
· Digress (pronounced dʌɪˈɡrɛs) = (verb; no object) Leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing e.g., ‘I have digressed a little from my original plan.’// e.g., ‘Wow, I have digressed so far even I can't remember what this was about!’ // e.g., ‘Still, this is digressing from our main point of concern.’
· Utterance (pronounced ˈʌt(ə)r(ə)ns) = (noun) A spoken word, statement, or vocal sound e.g., His bizarre word rhythm and gleeful disregard for punctuation makes even his most banal utterances sound dramatic.// e.g., The new coach gives little away in his facial manner or public utterances.// e.g., Our advice is that they should avoid negative utterances in their speeches and be careful in their deeds.
· Gleeful = (adjective) Exuberantly or triumphantly joyful e.g., She gave a gleeful chuckle.// e.g., They were ambling joyfully, jumping, excited by the huge gleeful crowd.// e.g., The idea was that the perennially gleeful blond would travel to Scotland to source scallops and langoustines.
·Chuckle = (noun) A quiet or suppressed laugh. See  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSF4OSR22D0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzdR5EZR0pQ  // e.g., ‘And now imagine the quiet chuckle Dylan is having at the fuss he's caused.’ /// e.g., He gave a chuckle in response to her question (^^^ for this example)./// (intransitive verbLaugh quietly or inwardly e.g., ‘I chuckled at the astonishment on her face.’ // e.g., She was chuckling as she read the letter (^^^ for this example).
·    Quebec (a city in Canada) (pronounced kwəˈbek in UK English and  kwiːˈbek in US English)
·   Incur (pronounced ɪnˈkəː) = (verb with object) Become subject to something unwelcome or unpleasant because of one's own behavior or actions e.g., You will need to pay any expenses incurred.// e.g., If you don't pay off your debt in full, you incur interest on all you spent, even if you pay off more than half of it.// e.g., The colleges concerned have to incur extra expense and inconvenience.
·Soggy = (adjective) Very wet and soft. See http://jbdowse.com/eur/pix/april-6-10/5626.JPG and http://s0.geograph.org.uk/photos/67/13/671338_d7ef5b6e.jpg //e.g., We squelched through the soggy ground.// e.g., On this night the sky was overcast, the ground soggy from a day's rain and the place mostly deserted.
·    Squelch = (verb no object) Make a soft sucking sound such as that made by treading heavily through the mud. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C8ONHt-vQU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjuRaGXhCg0 // e.g., Bedraggled guests squelched across the lawns.// e.g., It's not until she's in the empty car park that she hears her own footsteps squelching on the wet surface and realizes there's another set of sounds behind her./// (informal) Forcefully silence or suppress. e.g., Property developers tried to squelch public protest.// e.g., Such possibilities, combined with a poor climate for agriculture, squelched widespread agricultural development.// (nounA soft sucking sound made when pressure is applied to liquid or mud e.g., The squelch of their feet./// (Electronics) A circuit that suppresses the output of a radio receiver if the signal strength falls below a certain level.
· Tread = (transitive or intransitive verb, usually + adverb or preposition) (UK English) To put your foot on something or to press something down with your foot. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6xHzpEBpC4 For treading water See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFmOtf_Ew1w and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n2o2Yk8nuA // e.g., ‘I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing.’// e.g., A load of food had been trodden into the carpet./// (literary) To walk e.g., He trod heavily and reluctantly up the stairs.// e.g., ‘I sometimes see him flash past in his sports car as I tread my weary way (= walk in a tired way) to work.’/// Tread water = to float vertically in the water by moving the legs and the arms up and down. See  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFmOtf_Ew1w  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfC1BvVvWbs    /// (noun) The pattern of raised lines on a tire that prevent a vehicle from sliding on the road. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Tire_tread.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Studded_tires.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Caterpillar_track_segments.jpg and http://www.offroaders.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/tire-elements.gif and https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5162/5376472668_9712694f76.jpg // e.g., The tread on your tyres is very worn./// (noun) The sound that your feet make on the ground as you walk. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6xHzpEBpC4 // e.g., ‘I heard someone's tread on the stairs.’/// The horizontal part of a step on which you put your foot (*).
·  Emblem (pronounced ˈɛmbləm) (noun) A heraldic device or symbolic object as a distinctive badge of a nation, organization, or familySee https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Emblemata_Politica-Minor_esca_maioris.jpg and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emblem#/media/File:Superman_S_symbol.svg  and (angels wearing white hart – the emblem of King Richard II of England) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emblem#/media/File:The_Wilton_Diptych_(Right).jpg and https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1992578/337279511/stock-vector-set-of-soccer-football-crests-and-logo-emblem-designs-football-championship-emblem-design-elements-337279511.jpg  and http://www.lionsclubs.org/cs-assets/_files/images/page-images/lions100/touchstone-stories/30-masthead.png and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/UN_emblem_gold.svg/1000px-UN_emblem_gold.svg.png    For the US bald eagle emblem See https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0a/5c/d5/0a5cd56e2b188d99c5412874c631a5dc.jpg  and https://linguapress.com/photos/bald-eagle-seal.jpg   // e.g., America's national emblem, the bald eagle.//  e.g., A coat of arms is usually defined as a design on a shield used as an emblem by a family, city, or institution./// Emblem of a thing serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept e.g., Our child would be a dazzling emblem of our love.
·    Crest = (noun) a comb or tuft of feathers, fur, or skin on the head of a bird or other animal. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Eudyptes_chrysolophus4_%28South_Georgia%29.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Nymphicus_hollandicus_-aviary_-upper_body-8a-1c.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/16/Balearica_regulorum_portrait_3.jpg/300px-Balearica_regulorum_portrait_3.jpg   and https://previews.123rf.com/images/mroz/mroz1111/mroz111100005/11429692-Australian-bird-a-white-cockatoo-with-yellow-crest-isolated-on-black-background-Stock-Photo.jpg   /// The top of something, especially a mountain or hill. See  https://media.mutualart.com/Images/2013_02/27/14/143223289/95990e4c-a740-4762-b615-77461366ca4a_570.Jpeg and http://www.cascadecrest100.com/images/rainier.jpg and https://www.mountain-forecast.com/system/images/4684/large_illustration/Palisade-Crest.jpg  // e.g., He reached the crest of the hill./// A distinctive device borne above the shield of a coat of arms (originally as worn on a helmet), or separately reproduced, for example on writing paper or silverware, to represent a family or corporate body. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/Cavalieredicasata.JPG and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2b/Wappen_Brandenburg_Ansbach_Kulmbach_Bayreuth.jpg    and http://www.officialpsds.com/images/thumbs/CREST-WITH-WINGS-psd25496.png and https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1992578/337279511/stock-vector-set-of-soccer-football-crests-and-logo-emblem-designs-football-championship-emblem-design-elements-337279511.jpg and https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/73/74/45/7374450904137cfe61e6be883e06ff0c.jpg
·  Dazzle = (verb with object) (of a bright light) blind a person or their eyes temporarily. For dazzling lights See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3tR5U7-1eg  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj_4MpesKvg   // e.g., He was dazzled by the headlights./// Amaze or overwhelm someone with a particularly impressive quality e.g., I was dazzled by the beauty and breadth of the exhibition./// (mass noun) The brightness that blinds someone temporarily e.g., ‘screwed my eyes up against the dazzle.
·   Truancy = (mass noun) The action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeismSee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thky0jFCwqE // e.g., Fines to tackle truancy.// e.g., He had a history of truancy and expulsion from school.
·  Absenteeism (pronounced abs(ə)nˈtɪz(ə)m) = (mass noun) The practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason e.g., You should keep records of absences and introduce a trigger mechanism that alerts you to consider regular absenteeism and the reasons for.// e.g., The high rate of absenteeism costs the company a lot of money (^^^ for the last example).
·    Absentee = (noun) A person who is expected or required to be present at a place or event but is not e.g., An absentee from the match.// (as modifiere.g., Absentee pupils.
·    Skid (intransitive verb) (especially of a vehicle) to slide along a surface so that you have no control. For cars skidding on ice road See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUK_AXdpgoM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXZCI_BoPYI  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2bg4R97Yr8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXZCI_BoPYI // e.g., Peter’s car skidded on some ice and hit a tree.// e.g., The bus skidded on some ice and hit a tree.// e.g., Plane in Turkey skids off the runway (from the media). See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JCQzi_-kXg  /// (noun) A sliding movement that cannot be controlled e.g., He was riding too fast on a wet road, and the motorbike went into a skid.// e.g., The motorbike went into a skid on the wet road /// One of 2 long flat pieces under some aircraft, such as helicopters, that help the aircraft to land. See http://www.helistart.com/Pictures/Skid.jpg and https://www.tc.gc.ca/media/images/ca-publications/exercise8b.jpg /// A support, often made on wood, for raising heavy objects off the ground or removing them (*) (^^). See http://www.airfloat.com/airfloat/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/KLG-new-design.jpg  /// A sled runner (***** for the last definition).
·  Flamboyant (pronounced flæmˈbɔɪ.ənt) = (adjective) (of a person or their behavior) tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness e.g., The band's flamboyant lead singer./// Bright, colorful, and very noticeable e.g., A flamboyant bow tie./// (ArchitectureOf or denoting a style of French Gothic architecture marked by wavy flame-like tracery and ornate decorationSee https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/Paris_Sainte_Chapelle_du_Chateau_de_Vincennes_ancienne_demeure_royale_Vers_le_Bois_de_Vincennes_en_France_angle_3.JPG and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Tours_Cathedral_Saint-Gatian.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Palau_reial.jpg  and https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/43/0b/87/430b8790a322c8b7139c571c6d0ab272.png and http://www.spanish-art.org/images/gallery/arch-flamboyant-2.jpg /// (also called flame tree or Royal Poinciana) a species of flowering plant (Delonix regia) noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. In many tropical parts of the world, it is grown as an ornamental tree (***** for this definition). See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Royal_Poinciana.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Yellow_poinciana_full_bloom_20110518.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Royal_Poinciana_%28Delonix_regia%29_006.JPG
·   Ornate (pronounced  ɔːˈneɪt) (adjective) (the adverb is ornately) = (adjective) Having a lot of complicated decoration e.g., A room with ornate ceiling and gold mirrors./// (mainly disapproving) A language with many complicated words or phrases e.g., Some students are putting off studying his work because of the ornate language of his poetry (^^).
·  Tracery (pronounced ˈtreɪs(ə)ri) (plural = traceries= (mass noun) (Architecture) Ornamental stone openwork, typically in the upper part of a Gothic window. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Fenetre.cathedraleSoissons.png and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/20130406_Ely_Cathedral_01.jpg  and http://www.pitt.edu/~medart/image/glossary/bar.JPG and http://www.essential-humanities.net/img/art/arch3_48.jpg // e.g., The rose designs were divided by tracery.// (countable noun) A delicate branching pattern e.g., A tracery of red veins.
·  Tableau (pronounced ˈtabləʊ(noun) A group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or history; a tableau vivant. For tableau of figures See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Tropenmuseum_Royal_Tropical_Institute_Objectnumber_60006559_Tableau_vivant_voorstellende_de_Goudd.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Tableau_vivant_by_Olga_Desmond._01.jpg  and http://www.benhammott.com/2012%20web%20page/images%203/fleury-tableau-figures.png and  http://c0728562.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/180114227_HR.jpg    // e.g., In the first act the action is presented in a series of tableaux.// e.g., The souvenir shops, with their olive wood crucifixes and mother of pearl nativity tableaux, are shuttered.
·   Exuberance (pronounced ɪɡˈzjuːb(ə)r.(ə)ns) = (mass noun) The quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience e.g., A sense of youthful exuberance.// e.g., ‘And yet I was entertained, due to the sheer exuberance of the production.// e.g., Innocence, in contrast, radiates childlike pleasure and exuberance./// The quality of growing profusely; luxuriance.// e.g., Plants growing with wild exuberance.// e.g., The minimal nature of the center is an appropriate contrast to the exuberance of the main church.// e.g., There is an exuberance of life in the remarkably fertile waters of the Strait of Georgia.
·  Ebullience (pronounced ɪˈbʊlɪəns) = (nounThe quality of being cheerful and full of energy; exuberance e.g., The ebullience of happy children.// e.g.,  He opted for a strong theatrical style, exaggerating every tone and gesture and playing with great energy and ebullience.// e.g., But it's little wonder that the project - the biggest construction in England apart from the new terminal building at Heathrow - is coursing with so much energy, ebullience, and excitement.
·  Dane (pronounced deɪn) = (noun) A native or inhabitant of Denmark, or a person of Danish descent./// (historical) One of the Viking invaders of the British Isles in the 9th–11th centuries. See https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a3qjyGQ_700b.jpg
·    Epicentre (‘epicenter in US English) (pronounced ˈɛsɛntə) = (noun) The point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Epicenter_Diagram.svg and https://cdn.instructables.com/FDW/CXQU/HRH0YO2L/FDWCXQUHRH0YO2L.MEDIUM.gif and https://geomaps.wr.usgs.gov/parks/deform/eqepifoc297x164.gif  // e.g., The geographic point directly above the focus is called the earthquake epicenter./// The central point of something, typically a difficult or unpleasant situation e.g., The epicenter of labor militancy was the capital itself.// e.g., ‘But around these parts eating is only a warm-up for the main event, as I discover when we later descend into the teeming lanes around Concert Square, the epicenter of Liverpool nightlife.’// e.g., (May) 1968 was the big year of revolt, its epicenter the student-led insurrection in Paris.
·    Caravan = (noun) (UK English) (also known as travel trailer or camper trailerA vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed by a car and used for holidays. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Caravan.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/KZHybridTrailer-2009-12-08.JPG  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Tabbert_Comtesse.JPG  and http://www.dainton.com/assets/images/caravan-storage-large.jpg  and https://media.licdn.com/media/p/1/000/250/00e/3ca69c3.png // e.g., They spent a fishing holiday in a caravan.// (as modifier) e.g., A caravan holiday./// A covered horse-drawn wagon e.g., A Gypsy caravan./// (US English) A covered lorry. See http://www.lazerhorse.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Kamaz-Truck-Luxury-Caravan-exterior.jpg    // (historical) A group of people, especially traders or pilgrims, travelling together across a desert in Asia or North Africa. See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/Isle_of_Graia3.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Caravan_in_the_desert.jpg    /// Any large group of people, typically with vehicles or animals, traveling together in a single file e.g., A caravan of cars and trucks.
· Timid (adjective) Showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened e.g., ‘I was too timid to ask for what I wanted.’// e.g., He is just a timid bureaucrat trying to unload a problem that got dumped in his lap.// e.g., He has a tremendous amount of data but seems timid about really analyzing most of it.// e.g., ‘I creep forward, mostly on my hands and feet, timid and afraid that he, too, might pull a gun on me.’
·  Pots and Pans cooking equipmentPot = (noun) a container, typically rounded or cylindrical and of ceramic ware or metal, used for storage or cooking e.g., Clay pots for keeping water cool in summer./// (verb) plant in a flowerpot e.g., ‘Pot individual cuttings as soon as you see new young leaves.’//// Pan = (noun) a container made of metal and used for cooking food in e.g., Fabric softener sheets are claimed to clean baked-on foods from cooking pots and pans . For pots and pans See http://www.2brothersmoving.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/pots-and-pans.jpg and http://www.reluctantgourmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/233826a67be66a810b23a263230da62e.jpg   For pots See (saucepots) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Copper-saucepot.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Copper-saucepot.jpg For pans (baking pans) See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Pans_%28113563802%29.jpg and (saute΄ panhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Circulon-anodized-aluminum.jpg and (cake panhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/85/Angel_Food_Cake_Pan.JPG and (saucepanshttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Casseroles_cuivre_Vaux.jpg 
·   Pot and Pan (also pot-'n'-pan) (noun) (UK & Australian English) (slang) A person's father or husband.
·    Hourly rate = the amount of money that is charged, paid, or earned for every hour worked e.g., You pay a fixed or hourly rate for the advisers’ time rather than paying for the products they sell you (*).
·  Refurbish (verb) Renovate and redecorate something, especially a building. See  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PZhNy9HVpg and      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taRUW3ZtXxY  // e.g., The premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style.// e.g., It was estimated that refurbishing the building to meet modern office standards would cost the council up to $10m.
·    Hominy (pronounced ˈhɒm.ə.ni) = (mass noun) (US English) Coarsely ground corn (maize) used to make gritsSee http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/354904/slide_354904_3885922_free.jpg and http://www.starchefs.com/features/savory/technique/hominy/images/4rinsed_sm.jpg.lg.jpg // (as modifier) e.g., Hominy grits.// For hominy grits See http://preparednessadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/grits.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Gritsonly.jpg/170px-Gritsonly.jpg  /// A food produced from dried maize (corn in US English) kernels that have been treated with an alkali in a process called nixtamalization (***** for this definition). See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Dried_Maize_Mote_from_Oaxaca.png and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Hominy_%28maize%29.JPG  
· Drab = (adjective) Lacking brightness or interest; drearily dull e.g., The landscape was drab and grey.// e.g., His drab suburban existence./// Of a dull light brown/ olive-green color. See http://similesmiles.com/simages/drab.png  For an olive drab military uniform See https://www.popularairsoft.com/files/imagesnew/Platoon_OD.jpg  and for olive drab camouflage uniforms  See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/M1943_Field_Jacket.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Flickr_-_Israel_Defense_Forces_-_Officer_Course_for_Infantry_Command.jpg  and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Cuban_Soldiers_of_Fuerzas_Armadas_Revolucionarias.jpg and https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0935/9212/files/IMG_20160307_123614_grande.jpg?6510735084873757872   // e.g., Drab camouflage uniforms./// (mass noun) Fabric of a dull light brown colorDrabs = clothes, especially trousers, made of drab. See https://rlv.zcache.ca/infidel_black_with_olive_drab_t_shirt-rdfed155ab7e64c9bb28eb93d59f3f108_k2gm8_324.jpg  and https://rlv.zcache.ca/i_love_being_frumpy_t_shirt-rd34b5d94ca8d4e7aa4cc2b8f03f72d13_k2grk_324.jpg  // e.g., A young man dressed in drabs./// (noun) (archaic) A slovenly woman.// A prostitute.
·    Dreary (pronounced ˈdrɪə.ri= (adjective) Dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing e.g., The dreary routine of working, eating, and trying to sleep.// e.g., ‘How better to brighten up a sedate outfit, or add a dash of color to an otherwise dreary day?’ // e.g., ‘It had not occurred to me until I stood there that what we were doing was more than clearing the landscape of dreary sheep.’// e.g., ‘Do you ever feel like your life is falling into a dreary, pointless routine?’
·  Sloven (pronounced ˈslʌv(ə)n) = (noun) (dated) A person who is habitually untidy or careless. See https://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-sloven-man-picking-his-ear-on-white-background-84174892.jpg  // e.g., ‘I help the auctioneer, the sloven does not half know his business.’// e.g., Battered, weather-beaten taxis, driven by sloven drivers, their shirts unbuttoned, looking as weather-beaten as their vehicles.
·  Dingy (pronounced ˈdɪn.dʒi) = (adjective) Gloomy and drab// dark and also often dirty. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnv4K0SlB-Y and https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/04/76/5e/ab/dingy-room.jpg  // e.g., A dingy room.// e.g., The dark and dingy rooms have just one little room up a stairway, which served as a toilet and bath./// A dingy room/ corridor.// e.g., Her hair was a dingy brown color (^^^ for the last 2 examples) (^^ for the 2nd definition).
· Frizzle = (verb; no object) Fry or grill with a sizzling noise. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mChdKjD85q4 and http://akcdn2.azsg.opensnap.com/azsg/snapphoto/photo/LD/GW9S/3C5HNSCD4E89F3B39EB66Bl.jpg // e.g., She had the fat frizzling in the chip pan.// (verb with object) Fry until crisp, shriveled, or burnt e.g., So do skinny, beautifully seasoned little green beans that have been frizzled a bit on the grill.’/// (noun)The sound or act of frying e.g., The frizzle of the pan./// (verb with objectForm hair into tight curls. For frizzling hair See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Cute_girl_with_frizzy_hair_-_cropped.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/46/Pickford2-sized.jpga and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFkfLVww7gM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duhAvO8RpSw  and https://i2.wp.com/stylevanity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/sponsored-mascara.jpg?resize=545%2C819 and http://imagecache.yallwire.com/timthumb.php/src=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.blastro.com%2Fimages%2Fartist_images%2Ffull%2Ffull_julie_roberts_artist_photo3.jpg&w=610&h=457&zc=2&a=T  and https://wenshepsut.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/147167884.jpg // e.g., The damp weather had frizzled her hair into little corkscrews.// e.g., She shook out her frizzled hair./// (noun) A tight curl of hair e.g., A dewy scalp where the frizzles stuck awry.// (in combination) e.g., This gaunt, frizzle-haired freak.
· Gaunt (pronounced ɡɔːnt= (adjective) (of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age. See https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEii-D3yobOKJeyR74IHjHRSGx7hj2czDhAXYlUZ21ItoqELkgNISfOZFwRz0HMpOwYRT8XKREL9Fk2qpItePVXq6g4B4tNCVvo7PpDMH3foMx_2-kmuuBmKsYnMbdiuDkn1kn3rHvHBDnmX/s1600/close.jpg and  https://joshidaniel.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/haggard-face-old-man.jpg?w=600&h=480  // e.g., A tall, gaunt woman in black.// e.g.,  Then I just noticed how skinny he was, almost gaunt.’/// (of a building or place) Grim or desolate in appearance e.g., Gaunt tenement blocks.// e.g., He juxtaposes these gaunt scenes with striking black-and-white shots of beaches and landscape.
·   Awry (pronounced əˈrʌɪ) = (adverb) Away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss e.g., Many youthful romances go awry.// e.g., Things go awry when, during a carefully orchestrated operation to free one of their imprisoned mates, a guard is killed.// e.g., I got the impression that something was awry.’/// Out of the normal or correct position; askew e.g., He was hatless, his silver hair awry.// e.g., Her hair was badly done, her skirts were awry, her hands were red.
·    Askew (pronounced əˈskjuː) = (adverb) Not in a straight or level position e.g., The door was hanging askew on one twisted hinge.// e.g., The images, presented at different scales on off-white paper, are slightly askew so as not to become confrontational.// e.g., ‘Ben turned to me, rolling his eyes, his tri-corner hat slightly askew.///  Wrong; awry e.g., The plan went sadly askew.// e.g., The judging was a bit askew.// e.g., Don't punish the press just because the publishers' plans have gone askew.
· Amiss (pronounced əˈmɪs) = (adjective) Not quite right; inappropriate or out of place e.g., There was something amiss about his calculations./// e.g., At this point the store manager, who was taking stock nearby, sensed that there was something amiss at the till and walked over./// (adverb) Wrongly or inappropriately e.g., The prime minister may have constructed his cabinet a little amiss.// e.g., What goes amiss in the smoker's crusade to defend themselves is the rights of the people who don't want to be subjected to smoke.
· Till = (noun) A cash register or drawer for money in a store, bank, or restaurant. Synonyms: cash register, cash drawer(s), cashbox.// See     http://www.hoteliermiddleeast.com/pictures/HME/steal-1-web.jpg and https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/1/590x/secondary/till-661801.jpg   // e.g., What follows is the city economy in decline, no money in the tills and shops closing./// (glacier tillSediment consisting of particles of various sizes and deposited by melting glaciers or ice sheets. See  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Till_after_avalanche_in_Norway_%282%29.jpg and  http://marlimillerphoto.com/images/Gl-27.jpg   and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Glacial_till_exposed_in_roadcut-750px.jpg/220px-Glacial_till_exposed_in_roadcut-750px.jpg  //   e.g., Glacial tills (boulder clays) and their ancient equivalents, tillites, are of this type./// (Verb) Prepare and cultivate land for crops. See   http://www.tommyersphotography.com/data/photos/agv00017.jpg and https://modernfarmwife.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/dsc04697.jpg  // e.g., No land was being tilled or crops sown.
·  Sizzle (pronounced ˈsɪz.(ə)l= (verb; no object) (of food) make a hissing sound when frying or cooking. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRuriJ-dwv4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABc5qChB3TY    // e.g., The bacon began to sizzle in the pan.// (informal) Be very hot e.g., We sizzled in the blazing sunshine this week./// Be very exciting or passionate e.g., They simply sizzle as their affair develops./// (noun) (in singular) A hissing sound, as of food frying or cooking e.g., The sizzle of hot dogs./// (informal) (mass noun) A state or quality of great excitement or passion e.g., It would be a waste not to cast him in roles requiring some sexual sizzle.
·  Shrivel (pronounced ˈʃrɪv.(ə)l) (past simple = shriveled= (verb) Wrinkle and contract or cause to wrinkle and contract, especially due to loss of moisture. For shriveled flowers See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaVK6wb90l4 and http://www.imageafter.com/dbase/images/nature_plants/b9nature_plants078.jpg and  http://img-aws.ehowcdn.com/350x235p/photos.demandstudios.com/getty/article/171/2/57437136_XS.jpg and http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com/static/photo/1x/Shriveled-Wild-Flower-Wilted-Flower-Flowers-Nature-346763.jpg  For shriveled grapes See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5b/Shrivelled_Pinot_Noir_in_Santenay_1.jpg   For shriveled shrimps See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Dried_shrimp_for_sale_in_Saigon.jpg  For shriveled peach See https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/DecayingPeachSmall.gif  // (verb; no object) e.g., The flowers simply shriveled up.// (verb with object) e.g., A heatwave so intense that it shriveled the grapes in every vineyard./// (verb; no object) Lose momentum, will, or desire e.g., As American interest shriveled, so did the government’s./// (verb with object) Cause to feel worthless or insignificant e.g., She shriveled him with one glance.
·   File (as a verb, with the meaning of walk in a line) = (verb; usually intransitive) to walk in a line, one behind another e.g., The visitors filed through the entrance to the ticket office (^^).

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